The Surgeon 38

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WOW! Kelly has done the most amazing job on her face.

After I've recovered from the shock, I ask, "Like, how? Those stitches, they look too real, please don't tell me you've stitched your own face?" I ask, still gasping at the sight of her.

Her speech is muffled and slightly slurred, like she's just woken from an anesthetic.

"No, it's all latex and prosthetics, good job, hey?" She manages to muffle through the padding in her cheeks that makes her face appear swollen.

I'm literally mouth smacked; I'm used to looking at real post-op scars and believe me, this passes, with me, anyways.


Kade is buzzing with a positive energy, "Kelly, lay flat on the floor to maintain your face, until we're ready to go," he says, while putting on my isolation suit and helmet that he recovered from the operative bus. "I'm gonna go visit the workers in the isolation vehicle and deliver this antidote that I've saved. We need these guys disease free and on our side. I'll be back in thirty minutes. I'm pretty sure I'll be safe, The Surgeon's people are so creeped by their own viral creation that they won't go near that bus, but keep an eye on the monitors just in case," he says, sprinting toward the exit.


Troy, on Kelly's instruction, is lovingly applying little traces of fake blood with a paintbrush to her stitches. She checks every one with a hand mirror before having him move to the next.  They're so good together, a true team.


On Kade's instruction, I go below to check on our growing number of residents.

Kelvin is sitting next to the gently pulsating brain; he's engrossed in playing Plague Inc.

In the adjoining room, I check the Kelly look-a-like. She's sleeping soundly.

I then walk to the end of the corridor and peer through the glass of the most secure room in the complex. The two male makeover guys are strapped tight to a concrete pillar. They are gagged but their eyes plead with me to let them loose. I have little sympathy for their pleading gaze.

Satisfied all seems well and secure I make my way back to the chill-out area to begin the first part of our war winning strategy: convincing Professor Merton and co that Kelly is me.

I'm nervous, but quietly confident – I think.


Kade arrives back, breathless but buzzing,  "Those guys are real sick, they look like zombies," he shakes his head, like he's trying to rid himself of something, "and it smells like death in there, the stench even seeped in through my suit. I figure they might be too late for treatment, we'll have to wait and see," he says, jumping out of the isolation suit.


Kade looks at Kelly, "You ready to go, sis?" He says. She nods an affirmative.

He puts his hand on my back, "Tanya, are you ready?" He asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Is my honest answer.

Kade turns to Troy, "Look after the fort while we're gone, buddy." Troy looks at us all, but saves his smile for Kelly, "The very best of luck; I expect to see you return soon, triumphant."

Kade gives him a thumbs up, "We will!" he says, leading both Kelly and I toward the exit with the positive stride of a great leader.


The sky is blazingly blue and the air is surprisingly still. Is this the calm before the storm I think as we make our way to the operating bus.

I estimate we have about one hour before The Surgeon's team arrive to check the results of my face transplant.

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