The Surgeon 20

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My father takes great pleasure in Kade's upset and confusion, "You seem to be an open minded young man, I'm sure you will embrace your mother's difference – remember she must always be kept cool." His tone lifts to one of excitement, "We've returned her home because of course we want one of the best brains in the business organizing our daughter, Brigitte's wedding and we feel she can best do that from the venue itself." His voice shifts a gear into a tone that carries a hint of menace, "However, she has been forbidden to have any communication with you, if we find out she has, I can assure you the consequences will be very grave for you all," he says, with a smile.

I can see Kade is pissed, "Ok Logan, can you cut to the chase and tell me: who, what or where my mother is, please?" 

"I told you, she's at home, I escorted her home. Talking of home, I'd like to get back to mine, my time in incarceration has left me missing my own home comforts."

Kade raises his voice, "Bullshit! I wheeled you into my house, there was no one with you – why are you playing this fucked up game?"

My father flinches, "I refuse to engage in any further dialogue with you, your obscene language offends me greatly – goodbye." He jumps from the truck, pauses on the pavement, checks his appearance in the side mirror, then walks down the street with his head held high, like a male model strutting down a catwalk. His vanity sucks.

"Jeez, I didn't realize my father had such a big butt, look at him swing that booty – gross!" I laugh.


Kade grabs his cell and inputs a hands free call with a speedy dexterity; "Wassup?" answers Kelly. "Kel, I'm gonna ask you something and I don't care if you think I'm crazy."

"Go ahead, ask me."

"Are you Mom?" There's a pause before she answers, "Yep, that's beyond wacko jacko. Get real, Kade,"

"Have you seen or heard any sign of someone else in the house?"

"Nope, just me – what's this about, should I be looking for something or be worried?"

Kade glances at me, "I'm not comfortable discussing this on my cell, call me if you see or hear anything – ok."

"Sure. Hurry home bro, I'm so fungry right now I could eat my whole hand and half an arm – In fact, I can't wait, I'm gonna go raid the fridge," says Kelly, making a munching sound down the phone.


I can't help but smile, "Kade, did you really think that Kelly could be your Mom?" 

"I know, insane – but I had to ask, so I could hear her say no," he shakes his head, "man, that's what your folks do to me," he chuckles, while starting up the engine.

It's then that I notice my hand's been on Kade's knee the whole time. I remove it slowly as he takes off, hoping he won't notice. His wry smile lets me know he has – cringe!

"Why are you smiling?" I ask.

"No reason."

"That was just like, a brother thing."

"I know."

"Then why the smile?"

"Jeez Tan, back off – would you rather I cried?"

"No – just don't forget I'm a guy that looks like a girl."

The force of the brakes thrust me forward as the safety belt bites into my shoulder, "For freaks sake, go easy, Kade, that was close!"

His mind is elsewhere, hence the near miss with the car in front; "At the moment my concern is for my mother; if you think I'm hitting on you – that's your problem. Deal with it, Tan."

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