The Surgeon 15

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Kade and Kelly remain surprisingly calm.

I'm not.

I'm shaking with anger.


"Well, I wish I could say you're welcome, Mr Lebowski, but unfortunately, you're not," says Kade.

"Please, call me Logan, it's much less formal."

"My parents brought me up to treat my elders with respect and address them by their surname. But since I have no respect for you, I'll call you Logan." 

"Your parents did a great job raising you, are they home?" asks my father.

"No, they're not," answers Kade.

My father turns his attention toward me, "That's a bad black eye Charlotte gave you; the testosterone made her act a little thuggish. She asked me to apologize. The next time you meet, she'll be your cousin, Charlie," he says, with a proud smile.

"I won't be meeting no cousin Charlie," I assert.

He gives me a patronizing smile, "Don't be like that, Princess."

I explode – "Don't ever call me that again! I'm not your Princess, never was, never will be. All you people did was change my exterior, but you can't change what's up here," I punch my head, hard, "oh no, I'm all guy, 100% male, always will be – you and The Surgeon, you both failed!" I throw a finger at him, "YOU! You hear me – you FAILED!"

He smiles inanely, "You have some serious anger issues; we need to work on those."


My body is actually trembling. Kade puts a calming hand on my shoulder.

"Mr Lebowski, please take a seat, let's talk like civilized people," says Kade, gesturing to one of the armchairs in the chill-out area.

"Kelly, would you prepare some coffee, please," he asks, cool as can be.

"Coming up," says Kelly, enroute to the kitchen.


My Father takes the seat whilst Kade guides me toward the large sofa.

I resist, but Kade squeezes my shoulder.

In that instant, I realize I have a kind of innate connection with Kade; that small hand squeeze spoke volumes to me, it said – 'trust me, Tan.'


Kade and I sit on the large sofa opposite my father.

My father stares at us with a strange admiring look on his face, "Well just look at you two; you make a real good-looking young couple. You know, Tanya, your mother and I were searching far and wide for your first boyfriend, but you've gone and done the job for us, you've found the perfect young man. You've made us very proud."


I feel uncomfortable.

Kade remains silent, impassive.

My father continues, "So, Kade, have you taken her virginity yet, or are you waiting for the right time?"

That is not the kind of connection I want to feel with Kade!

I'm creeped out – what my father said is wrong on so many levels.


Kelly places the coffee tray on the table and sits next to me.


My body's gone cold.

I can't stop shivering.

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