The Surgeon 21

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Kade grips the steering wheel, more in an effort to keep his hands from shaking, since he can't steer us anywhere, we're still stuck in maddening traffic.

He continues to call Kelly, his anger rising after every failed connection.

He throws his cell between his legs, "So, thinking Kelly was Mom was pretty normal compared to the possibility that my sister could be about to eat our mom!" Kade's so hyper I can actually feel his energy; it smacks me like sharp electrical jolts.

Personally, I feel so impotent, unable to help or offer advice. He doesn't need sympathetic words right now, he needs action, and I don't know how to act.


This gridlock shows no sign of abating, "What about parking up somewhere and jogging back, is that feasible?" I suggest, trying to be pro-active. "Not really, the traffic will have broken before we'd reach the half way point. I guess we just have to sit and sweat it out," says Kade.

I decide to do my thinking out loud, "If your mother's so important to The Surgeon and the organizing of The Wedding, then you'd think that they'd be alerted to any danger she might be in," I say.

"Hmmm, that's a point," says Kade, before quickly adding, "but, maybe my mother's not contacting them because they might discover her contact with us; and she said that would have grave consequences for us all – my mother's priority would be to protect us."

 "She sounds like a real good woman."

 "She was, is, the best," says Kade, grabbing his cell and calling Kelly again.

I shouldn't have said that, I should have steered him away from mother talk to take his mind off what could be happening back home.


Luckily, there's a break in the traffic, which deflects Kade's thinking from the potential demise of his mother.

I watch the metal snake of vehicles begin to slither ahead at a more constant pace. "Yeah, we're moving," says Kade, bouncing up and down in his drivers seat like a gleeful kid. "OK – I'm willing Kel to curb her hunger – I'll fix you the best chicken chow when I get home, sis – then I'll give you the longest lecture," says Kade, his mood improving.


Our optimism continues to rise as the traffic flows, "You know, I'm sure I would have noticed something in the fridge, like any meat or anything edible." says Kade. He glances at me, "Do you think this whole thing could be a bluff?" he asks. I don't hesitate to answer, "No. That was definitely your mom communicating through Thomas. I know by my father's tone when he warned us about her communicating with us. We can't ever be complacent when it comes to The Surgeon," I say. "You're right," agrees Kade, "but I'm sure I would have noticed something in the freaking fridge," he repeats, while shifting up a gear.

Good news – now, we're moving.


Kade lets out a huge sigh, "Let's be rationale, Tan. I mean, what could they have done to my mom that means she has to live in a fridge?" He laughs at the absurdity of the thought, then continues; "I think she's in our house in some kind of virtual capacity, rather than a physical one." I ponder and process his thought for a few seconds, "Ah, OK, I get it; maybe my father brought in some kind of computer server which means your mom's intelligence and thinking is inside the house," I say.

Kade pumps the air, "That's it!  Good thinking Tan; I know our comms room at work has to be kept cool at all times to prevent the servers from over-heating, that would explain why your father told us to keep her cool," says Kade, excitedly shifting up another gear.

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