The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.1

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It's Tanya here. It's been a while, so I thought it would be a good idea to give you all a little update as to how things are in our world now that The Surgeon, The Twins, and The Lady have been completed.

Well, as you know, we're all living in the Chicago premises wherein I first lived with Kade and Kelly. Our home life is awesome, Kade and I have the privacy to be a regular young couple, yet we have the company of Kelly, Troy and my brother Tony to keep us company and share any worries with.

We also have the responsibility of bringing up baby Belinda and Little Kelvin. So we're like one big happy family.

Except we're a family with a twist. Our knowledge of and access to the mammoth facility that resides beneath us, sets us apart.

Right now, we have it under our control and we're happy with The Castrato's day to day running of it. My brother, Tony spends most of his time down there, as his unique brain means he's an asset to them, and all of us, of course.

I take my responsibility of what we call the 'Hell gatekeeper' and I regularly monitor the development of the Three Cloned Surgeons.


But it's the little normal life things that make life great – like our upcoming vacation.

Kade and I have a holiday booked for our Christmas vacation. Imagine that, a real life vacation, just the two of us. And I'm doubly psyched as we're going to be spending two full weeks in my homeland, The Faroe Islands.

It will be so nice to visit the land of my parent's, from where I was so cruelly snatched by The Surgeon's people, for their Clinical Trial on Gender Fluidity.

And well, you all know that they phupped up on that one, big style.


Kade and I visit our mini me's down in the facility every weekend. They've had all the internal devices removed from them, and now that their bodies are actually their own, they're flourishing. They're a joy to visit; Kade and I always leave on a high after leaving them.

So, as you see, everything is going great.


Except it isn't, not really.

I'm being pursued by a monster.

And despite my experience of handling monster's, I'm finding this one really hard to shake – it's big, bad and destructively persistent.


I'll try to explain as best I can.

In order for us all to assimilate back into the U.S. System and society, Kade, Kelly, Troy and I have all got i.d.s – how we got them is a story in itself, but that's for another time.

And, we've all secured jobs so we can become U.S. Tax Payers.

Given we don't really need the money, we've taken part time jobs in the service industry. Kelly and I both work three afternoons' a week in coffee cafes, as Baristas. Whilst Kade and Troy work three days a week in restaurants, as busboys.

We all really enjoy it; not so much the jobs, more so the socializing with the other employees.

And importantly, our trauma counselors tell us this re-socializing aspect of the jobs is a really important part of our recovery.

BUT – I first caught sight of the monster during the second week of the job.

It crept up on me unawares, making me scared of its insidiously painful presence. I didn't know how to handle it, so I just ran, and ran – not stopping until I got back to our waste ground home, wherein I felt suddenly safe – well, not fully safe until Kade got home.

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