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But all hell doesn't break loose.

In fact, Kade remains resolutely calm in the face of Tyler's tormenting talk, "Were you honestly a dude, like for real? This is a total mindfuck!"

His talk is directed at me, but I ignore it and turn to Kade, "Let me go to the right, we need time to think and don't need any more explosive distractions." Kade continues to stare blankly at Tyler as he answers me, "If you go to the right Tan, I come with you," he says: cool calm and collected.

He takes my hand and together we walk towards the right of the room. Kade's eyes remain fixed on Tyler and as we approach he stops in front of him for a moment to check the revulsion his face that is the result of me being trans.

Once in the right of the room we turn to face Kelly and Troy to await their reaction.

But Tyler's not done with his talk, this time it's directed at Kade, "Wait dude, are you saying that you used to be a chick?" Without looking at him, Kade says, "Chicks and Dudes, you're such a dated jock – a freaking dinosaur."

I notice Troy turn towards Tyler, "Kade's a biological male, he is not transgender." He turns his attention to Kade, "And as such, can you please take your rightful place in the left of the room, please."

Kade puts his arm around me and we step forward. I've no idea where his mind is heading, but I go with its flow. His jaw juts, as he looks Troy up and down, "Troy the traitor." He looks at me, "That's a phrase we never thought we'd speak, did we Tan?"

I appraise both Kelly and Troy with disparaging eyes, "No – it's a huge disappointment; you two must really be hating yourselves to betray us after we've all been through, together." I switch my stare from one to the other, hoping they can see every trace of the disdain that floods my face.

But they remain unmoved by our disdain for their betrayal. Instead, Troy puffs up to show off his impressive height and broad shoulders, "Kade, I repeat, please move to the left of the room."

Kade removes his arm from my shoulders, jumps onto a table and offers me his hand to join him.

From up here I become aware of our fellow captives, both those on the right and left. All their faces carry one singular emotion – bewilderment. Yet all move forward to listen as Kade addresses them – "Ladies and Gentleman, my fellow captives, allow me introduce these two people." He points to Kelly and Troy, "They are my sister and her husband." He parts his hands as though he were opening a book, "Once upon a time, they were our allies against a malevolent power that was mercifully hidden from you all."

He pauses, embraces me and whispers in my ear, "I'm so sorry Tan, I wasn't thinking straight. Our relationship comes with great responsibility – we are unbreakable."

I don't reply, instead I squeeze him and kiss his ear – a gesture worth more than words.

He returns my kiss before returning to his talk. His focus is on me – "Now, let me introduce this Lady." In his eyes I see the deepest love, respect and pride.

And dear readers, at this very moment I wish our story would end. I would happily die right now, my last image being the love gleaming from Kade's eyes.

But now is not the time for wishful thinking.

Right now my thoughts must remain on the truth of this situation – the most hazardous chapter of our story is about to begin.

It's a truth that Kade is beginning to touch upon with our fellow captives – "This lady, who I'm proud to call my life-partner – has been through the most epic battles and betrayals of trust to protect you all from the power that was contained beneath, but has now surfaced to realise their vision of a divided society."

He points a finger towards the the ten people currently standing in the right hand area of the coffee shop – "It will be a society where people will be openly categorised, ranked and labelled so your place in their new hierarchy can be seen by all."

Kade stops, looks upwards and inhales. Knowing he's finding this difficult to convey, I take his hand. He exhales, "It will be a Hierarchical Society and it pains me to say this, but you people will be bottom of the pile, shoved to the margins with the freedoms you enjoy today, stripped from you tomorrow – your life's curtailed."

Kade lowers his head in a shame that he shouldn't have to shoulder. One of the three women in the right of the room steps forward, "Is this some kind of weird social experiment that's being filmed for a Reality Game show on TV, or streamed on the Net or something?" She asks this with hope in her eyes, as if this would make it all easier to understand.

Tyler jumps in, "Cool – Faggots Versus Straights on a Reality Show." He looks around the room, his finger pointing to various points above us, "Look, there's the cameras." He walks towards the window and talks to Kelly and Troy, "This is a great idea; but a question – where've you guys left our clothes, toiletries and stuff, where's the showers and bathrooms? I wanna look good on screen."

Troy is emphatic, "This is not a game, this is real." Tyler's fervour increases, "Yeah, I hear ya, a real game show. I'm so psyched to be starring in one." He turns around and scans the space, "I'm guessing we haven't aired yet, you guys are just giving us all the premise, right?" He walks behind the Barista's counter, "Is this the door to the off-camera rooms, I wanna get ready for my close up," he says, walking purposefully towards the door.

Kade and I swap knowing glances. We see a rising panic in Kelly and Troy and we have the combined experience to know that things are not going to our enemies plan – thanks to Tyler.

Kade nods at me, and I nod back a signal to say out loud what he's thinking – "Go for it Tyler, open that door dude. You're the star of this show and you need to shine, buddy!"

Troy's panic erupts – "DO NOT OPEN THAT DOOR!"

Tyler stomps forward, undeterred by Troy's protestations.

Both Kade and I know that what's revealed behind that door may be of considerable use to us – the good guys. 

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