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My head's spinning, my heart's cracking, my legs are wobbling, and my cell is incessantly vibrating.

Kade still stands behind the glass grinning at me, "Kade, please tell me this is all a prank, it's not true, is it?" I ask; my whole body is vibrating along with my cell.

He walks through the glass and stands in front of me, "Download the App, and I'll walk you through my transition," he says.

"Stop this Kade, you can't leave me this way," I say, willing him to walk in behind me and give me a great big Kade hug.

But instead, he walks through me. We both turn and look at each other, Please Kade!" I plead.

His grin is fixed, "Download the App, and I'll walk you through my transition."

I shake my head, "Kade, this is a prank too far, you're being cruel, please stop this!"

He points to my hand in which my cell continues to vibrate, "Download the App, and I'll walk you through my transition."

The pre-recorded automation of his voice makes frustration; despair and anger collide within me, causing me to erupt into torrential tears.

My fists flail at the grinning facsimile of Kade, "Stop it. Stop this!"

But my fists are futile, they fly through Kade, fuelling my anger further – "NO! This isn't happening – you wouldn't do this to me – end this madness – PLEASE!"

My screamed plea echoes around the room tormenting me with its inevitable truth.

I need to hit out; I must channel this anger, these fists need to hit something.

The glass – I pound my fists into the impregnable glass wall hoping the physical pain will dull my emotional hurt – it doesn't.

Only when I see my own blood stain the glass do I stop.

I lean back and slide down.

I look up at the hologram of Kade, which continues to grin down at me, "Download the App, and I'll walk you through my transition."

I snap, stand up and throw my cell with force.

It flies through Kade, hits the wall behind him and explodes into myriad pieces.

Its destruction is strangely satisfying and I run towards the elevator needing to get away from this nightmare.


But no, there's no waking from this nightmare.

Sitting in our living area I try to answer the questions that crowd my head.

The one that keeps on looping is – did Kade dupe me?

I guess he did.

Kade could read me like a book. Perhaps he second-guessed my plan to imprison him and therefore had me lead him into Saferoom#3 which I had prepared for him.

Unbeknownst to me, Kade had prepared the space and people for his transition.

"We're such a great team, Tan," he'd frequently say.

I guess we worked together on his transition.

My despair at losing Kade drove me to extreme measures, which led to my being complicit in his transition to Transhuman.

A 'ping' sound distracts me from my questions and I scan the space, seeking its source.

I stand and look towards the kitchen area.

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