The Surgeon 19

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I'm happy to be back home.

Wow – I said home.

But that's how I feel in this basement dwelling: safe, secure and relaxed, right at home. 


Kade smiles, "I'm comforted by the fact Mom's found a way to communicate with us, she's gonna look after us, for sure," he says.

He hands Kelly and I a freshly blitzed fruit smoothie, "How are you feeling, Tan?" he asks, with the honest and empathetic tone that always soothes me.

"Hey, don't mind me, I only saw old video footage of myself, you guys have more to deal with," I take a slurp of smoothie, "if I'm honest, I feel really ashamed that my folks have somehow dragged yours into their obscene world," I say, with my head held low.

"Look at me, Tan! You don't hang your head in this house – ever!" says Kade, grabbing my shoulders and eye locking me, "I've never met a person who's survived such bad abuse and can still smile; I respect you big time, Tan – there's no shame in that," he shakes me, "you got that?"

Kelly embraces me, "We're family now, we'll wade through this shit together, feel no shame," she says.

I lift my head and smile, "Thanks," is the only word I can manage before my tears fall again.

Pathetic, lol.


OK folks – my tears are dried and there'll be no more floods from me – I promise.


Kade pulls back the rug and we peer down at my father. He's dressed, lying on the bed. Kade presses his remote, "Good day, Logan!" He says. Father jumps from the bed and looks upwards, "I would like to wish you the same, but one can't see the day in this prison," he says, with his sarcastic smile.

"Like I said, you're in detention, Logan," says Kade, "we'll be releasing you shortly. But first, can I ask why you went to such elaborate lengths to get into our home?" he asks.

"Of course, to check out its suitability as a wedding venue for my beloved daughter..."

"...Beloved daughter, pmsl," I say, cutting my father short

"Princess, please don't use that vulgar abbreviation talk, we brought you up a whole lot better than that," he says with his disapproving face.

"asdfghjkl," I reply.

Kelly laughs, "ROFL," she says.

Kade looks down at my father and says, "TTYL, Logan," as he slams off the remote.

We watch as my father's face reddens with anger as he continues his arrogant ranting, which we can't hear.

"Wow, we really rattled his cage there, he looks like he's gonna pop," says Kade.

"Oh yeah, he's real snooty about the way people speak," I laugh.

Kade looks concerned, "Is he? Shoot, I hope he doesn't punish my folks for that little lesson in abreve speak," say Kade, concerned.

"He won't. The fact is your parents are clearly useful to The Surgeon and her people, so it wouldn't be in their interests to do anything that prevented them from working," I say, in an effort to reassure him.

"I hope so. But let's get him outta here anyway. Mom said to get him back to Chicago ASAP," he says, slamming the remote back on.

"Hey Logan, I'm gonna drop you back into the city." Kade presses the remote, "That door that's just opened behind you, exit there and follow the walk-way until you reach the end. Once there, take a seat and a driver will arrive to take you back," he instructs.

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