The surgeon 4

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I'm frantic

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I'm frantic.

This can't happen – I can't allow them do this to me.

They're – like – experimenting on me.

Like I'm some kind of laboratory rat

No, no, no!


I have a week to think of something.

Right now I have to calm myself down; I can't think straight when I'm in this state of abject panic.


Charlotte is sweetness and light at the breakfast table, "Did you sleep OK, Babe?" she says, with a condescending smile.

"I sure did – thanks," I lie.

 The truth is, I lay awake all night, trying to think through thick turmoil.


Dad has his disapproving face on, "Your Mother and I were very disappointed in your response to the news of your impending motherhood, Princess. Especially as it was witnessed by all our guests," he says, looking me deep in the eye.

I knew this was coming; I'm prepared – I soften my tone, "Well, you know Dad, it's a pretty big deal for any young girl to find out she's going to be a mother, especially in such a public manner. I would have reacted differently had you told me privately; with just you, Mom and Charlotte – my donor." I grasp Charlotte's hand, "I really do appreciate what you're doing for me, truly I do," I say, with an earnest smile.

She hugs me, "Babe, it's the greatest honor." I see Dad's eyes begin to melt, a smile sprouts and spreads across his face, "Princess, I understand completely." he says, kissing my cheek. "We sure could have handled it a whole lot better. I'll go phone your Mom, she'll be real relieved to hear about your positive attitude this morning." He puts his hand on my shoulder, "I'm proud of you Princess."

Phew – that worked. 


"I'm so excited Tanya. Your Mother said I should be able to fly home about a week after the operation. I'm gonna: spend, spend, spend when I get back," she says, as we partake in a gentle post breakfast jog.

"You enjoy the money Charlotte, you deserve it. I mean, honestly, giving me the gift of motherhood is priceless. After the shock of last night, I'm actually getting excited about it," I lie.

"Orr, thanks Babe, I'm happy you're accepting it all."

 "Oh – 100% – I intend to be a great Mom – your womb won't be wasted – trust me."

She stops me, "You know – It's too bad you can never visit us back home, Babe. I can't wait to tell Mom how much you look like me – we look like twins."

"We do, don't we, like identical twins," I say. She holds her cell phone aloft, puts her arm around my shoulder and says, "Smile, Babe." I oblige as she takes the selfie.

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