The Surgeon 25

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While Kelly is sleeping, Kade and I take the opportunity to go outside and check out the men and their mission to construct 'The Love Rush.'

Kade insists we stop by the ambulance to arm ourselves with the coma inducing syringes. I'm not convinced I can use them as skillfully as he can, but I take three, anyway.


In my last post I said I was worried about the 'Love Rush.' My primary concern is Kade's excitement about it. His enthusiasm means he seems to have lost all perspective, "My mom's realizing her vision, she's beginning to build the theme-park that was her life's dream. The 'Love Rush' is gonna be so much fun..."

He seems to have forgotten that The Surgeon has commissioned this coaster and her idea of fun is not the same as ours. When I mention this he says I'm raining on his parade and gets all scratchy with me. I decide to mention nothing more negative about the 'Love Rush' – until I understand its true intention.


I can feel my heart pounding in my head as the elevator trundles upwards. I thought that over time, my body would become used to this thumping anxiety and my symptoms might lessen; but no, they've got worse. I've a nervous tic, which makes my right arm shake involuntary. Which means these syringes are pretty useless if I can't keep my hand still to aim. Kade, is as always, calm and composed, or at least he appears to be.


The elevator shudders to a stop and a wall of panic hits me, "NO! Kade, this isn't a good idea, there's no telling what these men will do, come on lets go back," I say.

"Let's just test the waters first, we'll keep a safe distance, we won't achieve anything by locking ourselves away," he says.

I guess he's right. I take a deep breath and walk alongside him into the vast open air.


The large banner obscures the men, so we walk hesitantly closer to observe what is happening behind it.

Wow, the men have achieved so much in such a short space of time. It's obvious that the roller coaster parts have all been manufactured in advance and the men are piecing it together, like a giant 3D jigsaw.

Swathes of track are placed methodically on the ground and the men are working in unison, like a highly organized production line. From the huge metal supports that stretch skywards and the large amount of track I can tell that the 'Love Rush' isn't gonna be no kiddy coaster, no, this will be a white-knuckle ride.


"Hi guys, can we come talk with you, please?" Shouts Kade. They ignore him and continue to work in their highly regimented manner.

Kade cups his hands around his mouth, takes a deep breath and uses all his lungpower to holler, "Guys, my name's Kade, this is my property, please can I talk with you, do you have a spokesperson?"

Again, they ignore him. Kade looks at me, "Lets go a little closer, maybe their hearing's been tampered with, or something," he says, moving cautiously forward.


We stop five or so meters away from the men. "Guys, can you tell us when the 'Love Rush' will be completed, please?" Asks Kade.

Again, they ignore him and just continue working, "They definitely can't hear," says Kade, walking with a fast pace to the guy nearest us. "Kade, slow down, don't startle the guy, he might lash out!" I caution.

Kade slows his pace, I see him grip the syringe in his right hand – ready to defend us. I follow behind him; my eyes are alert and darting from every single man looking for potential signs of attack. I note they're all young and incredibly strong looking.

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