The surgeon 32

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I can't help but smile, "Wow, two marriage proposals, I'm in demand." 

Kade gives me his cheeky grin, "But mine's the one that matters, right?"

I return the smile, "Hmm, there's one small issue that affects my answer – do they have gay marriage in Chicago?" I ask.

"I'm not gay," says Kade.

I point to my head, "Remember – I'm a dude." 

Kade laughs and shakes his head, "Oh yeah, I always forget that fundamental fact – awkward!"

I laugh along, too, "Hey, but you know – never say never – if my first marriage fails," I say, in jest.

He smiles wide, "Trust me – I have every intention of making your first marriage fail." His expression changes, "Seriously, you know that bit in a wedding where the priest says, 'does anyone know of any legal impediment why these two can't marry?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think I saw that in a TV show." 

"Well, at The Wedding, when they say that, I'm going to interrupt and say, 'I want to marry you' to disrupt the whole thing. We need to have as many 'diversion tactics' in place to catch them off guard and take control of the day," says Kade.

I smile, "Oh great, so your proposal was just part of the strategy," I say, with a pretend disappointed face.

Kade looks at me intensely, then winks, "Of course it was, we can't get married for real, we haven't even made-out – YET!"

My hands instinctively fly to my ears and I chant, "La, la, la, la, la," as I make my way out of the room.

"TANYA!" Hollers Kade.

I look back and although his words are muffled I hear, "We gotta try before we buy – right?"

"STOP IT, Kade!" I shout back.

"You're too cute when you're embarrassed," he says, while laughing at my reaction.

"I'm not embarrassed, I'm freaked!" I say, suddenly realizing that I'm acting like – kinda girly!

I macho up – "DROP IT DUDE!"

I hear his muffled laughter as I head for my room and the shower.


I guess there's no time to talk feelings right now. We have to discuss strategy and create a three-bed hospital in the isolation room  – we're BUSY!


I didn't sleep good; too many things on my mind. The thing that's really bothering me and something that I've not mentioned to Kade or Kelly, is the fact that they'll probably re-start me on female hormones. This will really de-stabilize me, especially my emotional state. I'm worried the hormones will affect my judgment at a time when I need to be 100% focused.


This morning is surreal. After a breakfast of fruit, yoghurt and honey; we are all busy applying make-up. Kade, Kelly and Troy are making themselves look like they are about to appear in a Zombie movie: pale faces, darkened eyes; and Kade, who's supposed to have a more violent form of the disease, has blood stained bandages wrapped around his head.

Myself, on the other hand, am busy making myself look like I'm about to step onto the set of Enchanted 2 as the female lead.


By 8.a.m my friends are in their isolation beds pretending to be sick; they certainly look the part.

Kade doesn't sound sick though, on the contrary he sounds energized and ready to win this war, "OK Tan, remember to keep the panic app activated and on you at all times. Message us frequently with everything we need to know and we'll do the same, " he says, with a reassuring confidence.

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