The Surgeon Sequel: The Twins - Part 38

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"WAIT – WHAT?" I'm disorientated.


"KADE – are you here?"

No response.

Naked and vulnerable, I jump from the bed and search for something to cover myself with as an incessant banging continues. A bed sheet, I grab it and tie it round myself, like a bath towel.

Then I grab a lamp and brandishing it like a baseball bat, look around the empty suite. Our clothes are scattered around the bed, which is disheveled, the sheets strewn all over the room – It's absolute carnage in here!

My heart leaps as Kade darts from the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his still soap sudsy body, "They're here – we slept so hard." He halts, and looks around the room, an astonished look on his face – "I know, it looks like a bombs hit it!" I exclaim, hurriedly picking clothes from the floor.

Kade literally dives on me and throws me onto the bed, "It did – our love bomb and it was the most mind blowing explosion – ever!" He lays on top of me, pinning my arms onto the bed, his wet hair dripping onto my face, "I love your sleepy morning face," he says, the wet droplets tickling my face. "Except it's not morning, and someone's been banging on the door, real hard – did you hear it?" I ask.

"Sure I did; probably just the maid," he says, his smirking face lowering lustily towards mine.

BANG! BANG! BANG! The incessant knocking halts our mouths connecting, "Shoot! Hey, we're busy, can you come back later?" Asserts a pissed off Kade. "This heaven requires a 'Do not disturb' sign," he smiles, lowering for a second attempt.

BANG! We both literally jolt at what is an obvious 'kick' to the door.

Kade jumps from me, "Hey – who is this? Cut it out!" He shouts.

A scratchy, small voice filters through – "Wake up, I wanna play Plague Inc."

It's little kelvin! His voice all full of excitement and pleading.


Kade shakes his head, showering me in fragrant droplets, "I'm the only guy on the planet who is interrupted from making out by his six your old father wanting to play games," he laughs.

We here the gurgling of baby Belinda as we get up from the bed, then more of kelvin's excited chatter, "London looks so awesome, and Troy says it's full of games and exciting things to do," he enthuses.

We exchange glances, "I'm sure it is, Dad. Where's everybody else?" Asks Kade, pulling on a pair of crisp white Calvin Klein pants. "At the Hospital, meeting with the doctor, I guess. Can you guys let us in, baby and I want to see the view from your suite?" He asks.

Kade looks at me, alarm showing on his face, "Did I just hear him right?" He asks.

"You did," I say, securing the sheet around me. "Pretty irresponsible of them," I add.

Kade makes for the door, but the shrill of the suite phone interrupts him and he grabs it, "Hey sis, welcome to London," he smiles wide.



A concerned look clouds his face.

"Sure I'm pissed with you guys. We agreed to meet and talk before we go to the Hospital. So have you met with the doctors, what's the story?" He asks.

I try to decipher what Kelly is saying by reading the emotions that flow through his face as he listens.

His face darkens, "Kelly, get real – We're still dealing with The Surgeon here!"

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