The Surgeon 40a and b

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The Surgeon – has arrived.

She has viewed Kelly on the monitors and is satisfied with her progress. Importantly, she seems convinced she is me.


I'm quietly anxious.

My sense of unease is exacerbated by what I have to share my room with.

The body of a girl lies on my bed. Her chest undulates up and down with a gentle rhythm. The serenity of her soft breath is at odds with the shocker that is her face. Or to be precise, the hole where her face once was. To be accurate, it's a gruesome collection of holes: two where the eyes once were, two where the nose was and one large crevice that was her mouth. Gross!

The fact that it's fake gives me no comfort. Kelly and the make over woman have done such a realistic job on the mannequin, complete with animatronics to create realistic breathing movement. It's a truly disturbing sight.

But, it's ready to be strapped into the Love Rush tomorrow – my wedding day.


I wake early on the morning of The Wedding.

The view from the monitors show a flawless blue sky – the sight every bride wants to wake to.

A straight line of crimson carpet leads from the make over bus to the base of the first drop of the Love Rush. I guess this is the aisle.

A canopy of densely packed red roses serves as the ceremonial space. Chairs draped in gleaming white silk are arranged on either side of the canopy.

On the whole, it is all remarkably simple, elegant and stylish. I'm surprised, I expected an over the top Disney type styling.

My mind wanders to Kelly, who spent the night in the make over bus; I hope she's feeling strong.


I stretch, then make my way to the chill-out area.

I'm happy to see Kade, even though he looks like death warmed up (he's in full disease make-up.)

He's making pancakes and my taste buds dance to the sizzle of cooking bacon.

He greets me with a smile, "Good morning; hey, you're gonna be a world first – a bride that won't be at her wedding," he laughs.

"I know, weird!" I reply.

As Kade begins to serve up breakfast, we're joined by the Kelly-look-a-like, who is looking equally dreadful. She greets us with her silent smile, which we both return, warmly.

She's a shy, wary girl, obviously damaged by her experience at the hands of The Surgeon's people.


This is my all time favorite breakfast: pancakes, bacon and maple syrup. The combination of textures and salt/sweet flavors is incredible. All washed down with strong black coffee.

My wedding morning is going good.

Kade finishes wiping the main monitor, from which we'll covertly observe the wedding. He pours himself more coffee, grabs paper/pen and gives it to the girl: "How was your breakfast?" 

She replies with a slow measured hand across the page: "Eet was delishoz," she replies, in broken English.

I reassure her, "We'll soon be free of these people and you can return home."

Her scribbled reply reads, "Tank yoo." I find her language endearing.

She continues to scrawl: Did yoo enjoy yur brekfast Kade?"

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