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I watch Kade's mouth moving but I can't hear him, the questions looping in my own head drown out his words.

My head is back in another time and place when I was a teenage guy called Thomas; I almost feel as confused now as I was then. The truth is, when Tyler first walked into the coffee-shop, I knew I recognised something in him. Now I know it was her, Tina, who I recalled.

Finally, Kade snaps me out of my reflective trance, "TAN!" he hollers. I look at him, "Yes, what?" He shakes his head, "Come on Tan, get with us – that guy Tyler's been sent here to fuck with us, mess with our heads at a time when we need to be clear and hyper-focussed."

He grabs my shoulders and gives me one of his gentle shakes that always bring me back into our real world. I nod, "Yep, I'm here – 100 percent!" I say, fist pumping for extra emphasis. I walk over to Kelly and Troy, "Are you guys ready to deal with this Tyler guy?" I ask. They nod their heads and say in unison, "Affirmative!"

Turning back to Kade, I say, "Right, let's do this, get Tyler back in here and see what he has to say for himself." Kade stands on one leg, (he's started doing this a lot lately, says it helps with his core strength), "There's four of us, and only one of him, so physically we can overcome him if we need to; but don't underestimate his ability to over-power our heads, he's working for the Three Surgeons, so don't allow him mess with our minds," he says, addressing us all.

When we all nod in understanding agreement, Kade heads for the door.


When Kade opens the door, Tyler is standing there all ready and waiting. He steps into the storeroom and closes the door behind him, "Finally, I thought you guys were gonna keep me out there for the rest of the day."

When he walks forward, Kade raises his hand, "Stay where you are, keep your distance buddy," he says. Tyler complies and smiles, "And yet we were once so close, eh Kade?" When I see Kade's body bristle, I rub his arm, I don't need to say anything because he knows my action says, 'Don't take the bait; keep cool.'

Tyler throws his head back, "The folks out there are witnessing a horror show," he looks down, "the powers underneath us are carrying out their 'Marginal Solutions Strategy' with brutal force – already they've managed to segregate this part of the neighbourhood."

When he says this, I'm struck by the tone of his words, they're delivered with a softness that seems to carry a certain amount of caring. Kade can read my mind and he puts his hand on my shoulder in a gesture that says, 'Don't fall for his nice-guy routine.'

Kade points to the reveal cake, "That was a pretty ugly prank you set up there," he says. Tyler sighs and shakes his head, "That's not my work." He looks me in the eye, "That's the work of the Three Surgeons, I thought you'd recognise that, Tan."

Kade snaps, "It's Tanya, to you, Tyler!"

Tyler shrugs his shoulders, "Sure man." His eyes meet mine again, "I apologize Tanya, I guess that was a little over familiar of me." I feel Kade relax a little as he asks, "Are you saying you had nothing to do with this reveal party?" Tyler scans the room, from the balloons to the cake, "Yes, I had nothing to do with this, absolutely not." Kade splutters a chuckle, "And you expect us to believe you?" I see Tyler become kind of vulnerable, as an invisible guard falls away, "I'd like you to, because it's the truth; but no, I don't expect you to believe me, and I understand that," his voice becomes smaller, softer.

When I look back at Kelly and Troy, I see that they're shoulders are slumping; like me, they're softening towards the guy before us.

BUT, Kade is definitely not, "Orr Man, quit the doe-eyed-damaged-guy act, Tyler, I can see through you like a glass door."

Tyler eyeball's Kade and we all allow the silence to continue, until Tyler breaks it, "All I ask is that you people listen to me, give me your ears and a little time. Afterwards, you can either choose to believe my story, or not – it's that simple," he says.

As he says this, I'm struck by something I find freaking alarming.

But, I put it aside as Tyler continues, "What happened to me pre-dates the story of The Surgeon, The Twins, and, The Lady." His attention focusses on me, "I guess my story could be called a 'Prequel' to The Surgeon," he says.

And again, I'm hit by another disturbing thought.

I don't need to look at Kade, Kelly or Troy, because I can feel that Tyler has their attention – and he most definitely has mine.

His focus turns to Kade, "I will tell you all about Lina," he looks at me, "and Tina." He addresses us all, "And Tylina." He then points to himself, "And I shall confess all about myself, Tyler."

My body begins to heat and I feel my face redden.

Kade notices, "Tan, are you okay?" he asks.

"Yes," I say, praying he doesn't see my lie.

As Kade attempts to comfort me, Troy speaks up, "I feel you're a victim, a character in this story, like I was."

Tyler's smile seems to acknowledge his truth, "I believe every situation you have all lived through and survived, all of your narratives, they began with mine – will you allow me tell my story?" he asks.

"Yes, " says Troy.

"Please do," from Kelly.

"Go ahead," instructs Kade.

Tyler's eyes meet mine, "And you Tanya, do I have your blessing to talk my truth?" he asks.

I lower my head to gather courage, look up and say, "Yes."

And, I hope my truth isn't evident in the room.

But, I confess to you dear readers – I have an overwhelming attraction to Tyler. 

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