The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.4

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Lovely people of Wattpad – it's Tanya here.

For those of you who've read the third part of our story 'The Lady' – you'll know that I said our goodbye wouldn't be final.

When I say 'our' I refer to Kade and I – and we're back to update you on our lives.

Kade and I are still very happy together. We've both integrated into the regular world (your world), where we work regular jobs. I work part time in a coffee store, while Kade works three days a week as a 'Creative Designer' in an App Design Agency.

We only work part time, because when we leave our regular jobs, we have to return to our irregular home – The Facility.

Its location is top secret, and it's under ground.

It has to be underground, because of what resides at its core – The Three Surgeons.

Yes, that's right, there's now three of her – The Surgeon.


And yes, the dots are back. The dots that the first time readers of The Surgeon would name after my every update. Kade calls them his 'Kadets' after the six perfect little birthmarks he has in a place that only I can see.


Kade and I live in two distinct worlds 'Your' and 'Ours' – and because this update is entitled #RealLifeMonsters.4, it is primarily about a real life incident Kade and I recently encountered in your world. But before I talk of that, let me update you about them – The Surgeons.

They each have the physicality of four-year-old-toddlers (even though they are not yet four years old). And what is surprising is that although they are genetically cloned from her, they each have very different and distinct colouring. The first-born has vivid red hair, which shines bright against her startlingly pale skin. The second born has white blond hair, with a caramel complexion. And the third born has blue-black hair, with a sallow skin. Yet facially and physically they are identical.

What is not surprising is their hyper intelligence. Already, they can communicate with the articulacy of high functioning adults. And unfortunately, we have already observed an inherent desire for a malevolent power and control in all three of them.

They remain secure in The Core, of which I, as The Lady, am the gatekeeper – a position that comes with a huge responsibility. I am most grateful for the support of: Kade, Kelly, Troy, little Kelvin (he's not so little anymore), and our large team of highly skilled Castrato.

For the moment, we are confident that we have them under our control. That said, we have recently seen a worrying asset in their cognitive development. We have observed signs of telekinesis, an ability to move objects at a distance by their mental power alone.

Of course, they use this burgeoning power to goad and unnerve us. But, our team is now fully focussed on halting the continued development of their telekinesis before it has a chance to enter your world.

But there is little we can do about their cruel, evil and goading words.

Words that are almost always reserved for Kade and I.

Unfortunately we can't avoid their taunting, as Kade and I have to observe them daily, for updates on their progress from our team.

It is the most surreal of experiences, to look at three beautiful little girls behind a reinforced glass screen, while listening to the ugly hate that spews from them.

Of course, it is mostly 'gender' that is the subject of their abuse. They talk in triplet, each relishing the cruelty and crudity of their verse.

It is always the red headed clone that begins:

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