The Surgeon 22

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As you all know, I'm an only child, so I have no experience of what it's like to have brothers and sisters.

But last night I had an insight into how volatile sibling relationships can be.


There was real tension between Kade and Kelly as we wheeled their mom back home. Once Kade had ensured the trolley was safe and secure he confronted Kelly in the chill-out area about her not having her cell charged. All hell broke lose and they had the mother of all fights. I recorded it all on my cell.

 This extract is from about ten minutes in:

"No, fuck you Kade. My cell drained of battery, it happens, I don't need to be lectured for it!"

"There's no excuse for letting that happen, Kel, not with our current situation. It's irresponsible of you. In fact, I'm not sure I can leave you alone in the house anymore, you can't be trusted."


"You heard me."

"And I don't like what I heard. You know something, Kade; you're the one who needs a fucking lecture. Listen to me, mommy's boy...

"...That's cruel, Kel!"

"It's fact, Kade. You were always a real mommy's boy, that's why you're believing this fiction."

"What do you mean, fiction?"

"Get real, Kade. You don't seriously think that lump of wobbling jello back there's our Mom, do you?"

"Why wouldn't I, you know what we're dealing with here, you've seen what these people are capable of."

"This is not some freaking science fiction movie, our mom isn't a brain in a glass box, talking to us, telling us to be a team – that's just too ridiculous!"

"You can't be sure, Kel."

"Sure, I'm sure. These people are playing with us; it's all a game. I'm disappointed in you Kade, you're falling into their trap, big time."

"That's unfair, Kel. I've more experience of these people, I've seen more than you; I've seen what they're capable of. There's a very real possibility that, that brain is our mother's – open your mind."


"Now you're showing your arrogant side, Kel."

"I'm not a box, I don't have sides."

"Come on, Kel, open your mind."

"My minds wide open and it can see the truth – I'm outta here, I gotta go feed the shredder some junk..."


That's only part of it, it was difficult to find a passage that wasn't filled with Kelly yelling and cursing. I really did see a different side to her; she wouldn't listen or reason with Kade and at one point I thought she was going to resort to physical blows. I'll certainly be wary of ever crossing her in the future.


I'm woken from sleep by a tapping on my bedroom door, "Tan, can I come in?"

It's Kade.

The sheet tightens around me as Kade sits on the edge of my bed, "I'm real sorry you had to witness our fight," he says, with a tired voice. "That's OK, I understand these are testing times."

He sighs and ruffles his hair,  "I've been researching 'isolated brain' and you know, it's scientifically possible. I saw a video of a Russian experiment from the 4os; it showed a dog's decapitated head that was fully alert and being kept alive by a machine. If scientists could do that back then, imagine what they can do now." He lets out a long yawn, "You know, I just know your mom, sorry, I mean The Surgeon is a psycho scientist who has the resources to turn science fiction into fact. I mean she's already impregnated a biological male, so why wouldn't she remove a brain, particularly a highly intelligent one. What do you think, Tan?" he asks.

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