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The fisherman sat in his seat, bored out of his mind as he stared at the sea, until someone stepped over. "Yuta, I've got a job worth your talents." Yuta sighed, looking over.

"What is it, Taeil hyung?" "I want you to catch a siren."

So he did, and after a few years he went quite famous for it. Taeil merely wanted a conversation with a siren, so Yuta did let the creature go, but he was still quite fascinated by their species, until one day, everything changed. A group of sirens tried to attack Taeil in the ocean, throwing his beloved hyung into the hospital, and Yuta changed. He didn't only catch them for talks now, he caught them and he killed them.

He hunted down every single siren who attacked Taeil that day, and he now lived hidden in a small town, catching creatures that kept terrorizing the village he lived in.

"Yuta! Wanna go to the beach?" Yuta laughed slightly as Taeyong ran into his room, the older wearing the cutest smile on his face Yuta had ever seen. 

"Sure, hyung. How do I ever say no to you?"

Little did he know, in the town he moved to, the legends of sirens were much more vivid, and the people there all feared the water-folk.

"Kun hyung, you wanted to see me?" the leader of the small group of the sirens swam over to the younger. "Yes, Sicheng. We have an important matter to discuss, Ten's death-" Winwin's face grew sad, and he sighed. "Hyung, I know he's dead, we all mourn every day-" 

Kun's eyes grew fierce. "It's not that. I know who killed him. And we can easily return the 'favor'. Winwin's eyes widened. "The fisherman that killed him, he moved into the above town. He made the mistake of moving into our town." Winwin's eyes got even wider, and he stared at his hyung, whose eyes had gone red with anger.

"We'll make him pay. Sicheng, you're the only one in us that can maintain a human form for months, please. Get close to him, this one is very wary, and kill him when you two are extremely close. I want him to feel the pain, the pain of losing someone he thought he was close to, feel betrayed, and I want him to die alone." 

Winwin's eyes hardened, and he nodded. "I will, hyung. I'll get revenge for Ten hyung." what they didn't know, was that Ten was one of the sirens who had caused Taeil's injuries, and Yuta avenged his best friend.

Sicheng swam up to the beach, and turned into his human form, his tail fading away, the blue symbols and marks on him disappearing as well, until the gills on him and his horns and webs disappeared as well. Kun showed him a picture of the man who killed Ten, and he looked absolutely cold and dangerous in the picture.

Winwin looked around, and realized the very man he was to kill was on the beach, and he was sitting next to Taeyong, the two were laughing at a joke Johnny and Mark made. 

He knew everyone else, not because they had met, but because he learned their names from all the watching he did when he was bored, and he couldn't help but stare at the fisherman. He looked nothing like the way he did in the picture, the smile on his face was dazzling and- "Snap out of it, Sicheng!" 

The chinese sighed, and cut a gash in his hand, watching his blood drift into the waters, and waited for the sharks to come.

And they did, after about 20 minutes 3 sharks had swam over, and were swimming around him, pondering whether to attack or not.

Sicheng swam up to the surface, purposely struggling in the water, screaming as he was pulled down and swam up again. The guys on the beach noticed, and their eyes widened. Yuta grabbed the oxygen tank in their diving gear, and jumped into the water, swimming towards Sicheng.

He clearly noticed the sharks, but he showed no signs of fear as he swam towards them, breathing with the regulator, and as he swam closer, he sprayed a shark with oxygen with the regulator, grabbing Sicheng with his other hand, and pulled the chinese towards the surface, turning and punching another shark in the gills.

Yuta kept spraying oxygen with the regulator, occasionally handing it to Sicheng so the chinese could breathe, then sucked in a breath himself, swimming towards the shore as he made sure the sharks weren't on their trail. One of the sharks attacked the japanese from behind, catching Yuta by surprise, the shark managing to bite his arm. The japanese hissed in pain, aiming the regulator at the shark, but still not letting go of winwin. 

The shark released Yuta, and Taeyong swam over, using his own regulator to fight off the sharks. They managed to climb onto the beach, Yuta's arm bleeding horribly, but he insisted upon checking on the chinese before he let Johnny treat his wounds.

"Hey, you okay?" Yuta asked, glancing at the shivering chinese, then pulled his towel out from his bag, draping it on the soaked Chinese. Johnny poured rubbing alcohol onto Yuta's wound, making the japanese yelp and hiss in pain, then quickly stitched the wound up. "Nobody else in the world would charge 3 sharks alone and in casual clothes except for Nakamoto Yuta."

That earned a scoff from Yuta himself, and he smiled at Johnny. "Yeah, yeah, who else would have saved this guy. What's your name?" he asked, staring curiously at Winwin. 

"I- I'm Sicheng." Yuta smiled, not even wincing as Johnny bandaged his arm. 

"You're cute." The japanese replied, smiling as Winwin felt a fire blaze up inside him. Fury. That was what he felt. This fisherman killed his brother, and had the nerve to call him cute. What a fucking jerk. 

Yuta leaned down, smiling as he ruffled Winwin's hair. "Well, Sicheng, don't go swimming that far from the shore if you don't have gear or anything that stops sharks from attacking you, alright? You could get hurt." Sicheng knew he was supposed to feel repulsed when Yuta touched him, with his hands which killed his own fucking brother, but why didn't he? Why did he feel heart surface on his cheeks, and why did he feel his heart skip a beat as the fisherman smiled at him? That healing smile...

Sicheng quickly reminded himself how disgusting this fisherman was, then managed to fight down his own urge to smile back. "Thank you.." Yuta's smile widened, and this time, Winwin had to fight the urge to gag. His entire plan depended on Nakamoto's response to the next question he was going to ask. 

"Um- do you know anywhere for me to stay? I just came here and I-" 

Yuta's smile only widened as he attempted to hug Sicheng, his smile making the siren's heart skip a beat again. "You can stay with me! I'm so lonely in my house with only myself, and Taeyongie doesn't come around enough." 

Sicheng forced a smile onto his face, nodding and thanking the japanese, but noticed something.

Taeyong was staring at him, and he did not look friendly. 

He looked like he could stare into the siren's soul. 

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