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Yuta rushed to the bathroom in the morning, vomiting and waking Sicheng up. "Yuta...? Are you okay?" It had been half a month since Yuta got back with Sicheng, and the older's feelings for Kun were disappearing quite well, while his morning sickness was getting worse and worse.

"Yua, you really have to get it checked, what's going on, you've been vomiting non stop!" "I'm honestly fine, babe." Yuta replied, rinsing his mouth with mouthwash.


"You are NOT-" Yuta gagged again, and turned, stuffing his head into the toilet bowl again, emptying his stomach. Winwin sighed, and gently patted his back, helping him. "Babe, take it easy, you'll be fine..." Yuta finished and washed his face, rinsing his mouth again. "I think you're right.." he muttered weakly.


"I really have to get this checked up, it's been happening for 2 weeks now.."


Winwin nodded, and they headed towards the hospital after getting dressed, so that was why they were both sitting in the clinic after Yuta's scan, anxiously waiting for results.

The doctor came back soon, and weirdly enough, had a huge smile on his face.


"Congratulations to you two!" he grinned, holding out the report to Yuta, who paled the second he saw the word on the paper. Winwin noticed his weird reaction, and took the report, scanning it quickly and froze.


'P R E G N A N T'

They hadn't done it. This kid wasn't his, and plus, Yuta never bottomed when it was the two of them, so there was only one explanation on whose kid this was.



Kun sat in the underwater garden, smiling as he watched Ten play with his daughter, and Johnny sat next to him nonchalantly. "How do you like this life so far, Mr Qian?" Johnny teased, the nickname not even bothering Kun anymore. "It's nice, peaceful."


"Better than bewitching and manipulating people." Kun nodded in approval, smiling in bliss until he saw Sicheng storming towards him, tears in his eyes.


"Broth-" "HOW, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU MANAGE TO FUCK EVERYTHING UP EVEN IF YOU'RE NOT PHYSICALLY THERE?" Sicheng yelled, trying to not make a mess of everything and calm himself. "What the hell Sicheng-" Ten intervened, trying to stop the hysterical siren. "SHUT UP!" Winwin was already sobbing and shuddering, a medical report clenched tightly in his hands.

"You wanted this, didn't you? If you did this no one could ever tear the two of you apart!" Sicheng screeched, leaving the other three in confusion, until Johnny stood up and patted Winwin's back, trying to soothe the younger.

Sicheng shuddered and sniffled as Johnny embraced him, and slowly calmed down, turning around to place the report in Ten's hands, his nose and eyes red. Ten quickly scanned through the paper, and stared up at Sicheng, a genuine grin appearing on his face. "This- this is great, right? Why are you crying, aren't you happy?"


Winwin gave him a death stare, and scoffed. "First things first, when it's us, I bottom. So there's no way it's mine." Kun was growing more and more confused by the second, and Ten's eyes widened, slowly turning around to stare at Kun.

"It- it's his?" Sicheng nodded, gulping nervously. "What is it, Ten?" The Thai didn't respond, and just handed the paper over.


"Congratulations on being a dad, Kun." He muttered, his voice bitter. "Congratulations."


Kun stared down at the medical report, realizing what it was.

N A K A M O T O   Y U T A :


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