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Yuta woke up, his head still hurting and woozy, but he felt better altogether. The nightmares had come back last night, haunting him so that he woke up in cold sweat, panting. Winwin sat up in the bed, noticing the Japanese with tears in his eyes.

"Hyung? Hyung? Are you okay?" he asked, patting the Japanese's back. "I- I'm- not.." Yuta grabbed Winwin, clinging onto the Chinese. "I-" He seemed to realize what he was doing, and quickly pushed Winwin away from him. "I'm a murderer, get away from me-" The dream came back in his head, the sirens grabbing at him as they tried to bite him. Winwin stared at the fisherman's outburst. "Yuta what are you-"

"I killed them. I killed sirens." Winwin could feel the anger bubbling up inside him at Yuta's mention of them. "I- I killed-" "Plural? How many, Yuta." "How many did I kill?" Winwin nodded, waiting for an answer. "Four. I killed four of them."

Winwin stiffened a gasp. He always thought Yuta had only killed ten, but four? FOUR? "You took FOUR LIVES?" Yuta shook his head, his eyes haunted and filled with remorse. "I took 3 lives. I killed four sirens."

Sicheng had never wanted to stab anyone so much more than that moment. He didn't think much about Yuta's statement about killing 4 but taking 3 lives, the fisherman was spitting nonsense.

"Why would you kill sirens?" Yuta swallowed, his fists clenched together. "They- they murdered my best friend. Taeil was just diving, he loved nature, and he saw a siren. A young one. The siren was caught in a fish net, and Taeil being the innocent and- and kind person he was, he went to cut the net off with a knife, but he accidentally cut a gash on the young siren. Four other sirens g came and they killed Taeil, dragging my- my hyung down and ripped off his oxygen mask, biting off chunks of his flesh." Yuta's eyes had gone cold.

"I didn't know he had died at first. I thought maybe he was just pranking me, so I went diving where he did, and there I found bones and his diving camera. I took it back, checked the video recording and saw that. I went back the next day, and his bones were gone, but the sirens were there. So I killed them."

Sicheng froze upon hearing that, not knowing how to react. "I killed them, and they've been haunting me ever since..." Yuta sighed, and clutched his head, his fever still there. Winwin thought about it, and asked a question that would determine whether Yuta would live or die.

"Do you hate sirens, hyung?"

Yuta clenched his teeth, thinking about the question. He didn't know what to answer.. He hated those beasts for killing Taeil, but- he couldn't hate all of them, could he?"

Yuta looked down at his hands covered in tiny bite and claw marks, given to him by those very creatures, his head still in the clouds. The burn in his head was making him unable to think, and he blinked twice vigorously, trying to stay conscious. 

"Y-yes.." Winwin jumped up from the bed and bolted out of the door, tears in his eyes, but Yuta didn't notice, still stuck in his own world, and his eyelids started drooping. 

"But not all of them.." 

Sicheng was already downstairs, his heart breaking, and he let out a scream, tears streaming down his face. "Nakamoto Yuta, I hate you." he spat. "I fucking hate you for killing Ten, and I hate you for taking my heart and playing with it. I HATE YOU, YOU HEAR ME?" 

"I fucking hate you and I will kill you, then I'll go back and see Yangyang.."

"I will kill you..

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