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Mark had left early, hyuck had called him and dragged him away, and now Yuta's boat was just drifting on the sea, and the japanese was lying on the boat. Sicheng had fallen asleep next to him, the two of them covered in salty water, and the chinese was clinging onto him for body warmth.

And Yuta didn't mind, it was kind of cute, really, the chinese snuggled up to him and snored slightly. Plus, he wasn't trying anything out of line, so Yuta let him stay there, while he just stared at the sky. "Hyung... can we get lunch?" Yuta chuckled, sitting up. "Sure, Sichengie. I think we better go home and change first, unless you want to go for food smelling like fish?" Winwin shook his head, then looked around. "I thought we were going fishing?" 

Yuta sighed, shaking his head. "You nearly drowned, I'm not in the mood to fish anymore, let's just- chill.." Winwin got up as well, and smiled radiantly at the japanese. "FOOOOOOD!"

The fisherman laughed, and started the engine, the two of them heading back to the shore. He grabbed a towel from his bag, and threw it at Winwin. "Put that on. Don't want you to catch a cold." Winwin stared at him, catching the towel and wrapping it around himself.

"What about you, hyung?" Yuta shrugged, stepping out of the boat and tying a knot with the rope to the shore. "I'll be fine, I'm a manly mountain man." Winwin snorted at his joke, and Yuta walked back to the boat, holding out a hand. "M'lady.' Sicheng scoffed, but took his hand, stumbling out of the boat and onto the shore. Yuta wasn't looking at him anymore, and the japanese didn't even realize they were still holding hands. Yuta stopped, pulling his jacket out of his backpack, about to put it on, but realized Winwin was shuddering.

He smiled slightly, and walked over to Sicheng, taking the towel from the chinese and put the jacket on him, squeezed the water out of the towel and wrapped it around him as well. "Don't freeze, Sichengie, now come on."

Yuta led Sicheng towards his house, the two of them walking together, and the passing people certainly gave them some weird looks. Two men walking together, one wrapped up warmly and the other in a t-shirt, both of them dripping salt water. "Crazy idiots these days.." One of the passing people stared at them weirdly, making Yuta snort and laugh.

They finally reached Yuta's house, and the japanese unlocked the house door, stepping inside. "Go shower, I'll see you in the living room later." And with that, Yuta trunged up the stairs to his room, locking the door and walked into the bathroom to clean the salt off himself.

Winwin walked up to his room as well, turning on the shower and stepping in, scrubbing the salt off his hair.

About 20 minutes later, he stepped out, throwing on a casual shirt and trousers, walking downstairs while drying his hair, and saw Yuta sprawled on the couch, his shirt half buttoned, his collarbone easily visible, and the position he lay in was just- seductive. What the hell was the Japanese trying to do?

"Uh- Hyung, I'm going to get some-uh- water, want a glass?" Yuta shook his head, grabbing the TV remote. Winwin stumbled into the kitchen, grabbing the water glass, then noticed Yuta's phone on the counter. He curiously looked at the newest message, and his eyes widened. Taeyong was- kissing- Jaehyun? Wait- did that mean Taeyong was cheating on Yuta? That's- 

"Sicheng? What's taking you so long?" "Nothing!" The chinese yelled back, and quickly took the water, walking back into the living room. "I'm too tired to go out again.. Can we order takeout?" Winwin nodded happily, and Yuta dragged himself off the couch, walking into the kitchen. "Sichengie, have you seen my phone?" Winwin paled, knowing what Yuta would see if he saw the message on his phone. "Hyung use mi-"

Yuta had already picked up his phone, and his eyes widened at the photo, the phone sliding from his hand and falling onto the floor, it's screen cracking and splintering, the case cracking, and the protective screen breaking into tiny pieces, scattering on the floor. 

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