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Kun woke up in cold sweat, and just as he pulled his phone out to call Yuta, Ten called, and Kun picked it up hesitantly.

"Hello?" "Kun, it's Ten, can we talk? Please?" "Ten- what is it. I don't want to-" The thai sighed, his voice pouty and full of cuteness and aegyo.

"Kun Ge~ Please?" Kun drew in a shaky breath, he shouldn't be feeling like this, he loved Yuta, and he shouldn't be feeling anything when Ten used this voice on him, the voice that used to make him do anything, it shouldn't be working now... "Please, Ge~" Kun groaned, pulling his hair. "Fine. When." "Now, the sea gardens."

Kun was about to hang up, when he realized what had just happened. That was exactly what happened in his dream, and he grabbed the phone. "NO, TEN, WAIT! I HAVE TO GO FIND YUTA FIRST!" 

Kun was terrified, he could not let that happen, his potion had gone wrong, Yuta wasn't supposed to turn out like this, he had to stop everything from happening, he had to take that spell off Yuta if he didn't want the older to die along with Ten and Johnny..

"YUTA!" Kun screeched, running out of his room, finding Yuta right outside. "Kun? What's up?" the Japanese asked, and Kun wrapped his arms around him almost immediately. "Come on, I made a recipe for a drink, I want you to try it!" Kun pulled the antidote out of his pocket, and handed it to Yuta, who smiled at Kun. "Thanks, baby." Yuta replied, putting it in his pocket. No, Yuta had to drink it now, he had to-

"I love you so much, Kunnie." Yuta muttered, pressing his lips on Kun's, affectionately ruffling the younger's soft hair. Kun pulled away, his voice breaking. "I love you too..." he muttered, knowing this was the last time he would be allowed to say this."Go on, drink it." Kun forced himself to smile, and Yuta drank the vial, handing it back to Kun, smiling. "I love you so much, baby." Yuta muttered, pulling Kun into his arms and started kissing Kun's neck. "You are so beautiful, baby..." Did the potion not work? What on earth was going on? "Yuta-" "Just because you tried to bewitch me doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to not notice things." The Japanese replied. "I know why you did it. I know better than anyone..."

Yuta sagged in his arms, tears glistening. "But why could you not consider asking me out properly? Does my opinion never matter? Have you not had the slightest hope that I would say yes, I loved you too if you just asked me?" 

Kun stared at him, bewildered. "I took the antidote last week. I found it in your pocket." "but- but you stayed-" "The feelings didn't leave, Ge. The obsessive love left. I stayed, because I wanted to see if you actually cared about me, if you actually felt guilt because of what you did to me, to see if you were sorry that you controlled me like I was a puppet. I wanted to see if you loved me and it was just a bad decision..." 

Yuta pulled away, planting a soft kiss on Kun's lips, softer than any other they had shared. "Wh- where are you going?" Kun asked, and Yuta just turned, not looking at him. "Sicheng. I've hurt him enough." With that, Yuta left, the realization dawning on Kun. The Japanese had gotten attached to him a long time ago, and maybe if he hadn't used that potion, just maybe, Yuta would've chosen him.

He wrecked everything for himself. The kiss, that soft kiss that still lingered on his lips wasn't an expression of love, it was a goodbye. It was a farewell, it was a bittersweet memory of what they could've had if Kun had just acted like a normal person would. 

Ten appeared behind him, and then dragged Kun off to the gardens, the older already knowing what he was going to say. 

Yuta knocked on Sicheng's door, preparing himself for any harsh insults, anything Sicheng would throw his way, because he knew he deserved it. "Who is it and what do you-" Sicheng opened the door, and froze when he saw Yuta, the Japanese only saying three words. "I'm me again." Yuta closed his eyes, preparing for anything Winwin wanted to hurl his way, only to feel something grab him and his shirt turn wet. 

Sicheng had wrapped his arms around Yuta and started crying, sobbing his eyes out in fact. "Y- You're back-" he wailed, the tears flowing down like waterfalls. "Yes, Sichengie... I'm me again, I'm reborn.." 

Winwin's sobs only grew louder as Yuta gently soothed him, patting his back. "I'm sorry I ever hurt you, Sicheng... I really am..." Sicheng wiped his tears, and straightened up, smiling at Yuta tearfully. "One question..." "Yes?" 

"Do you still love me? I won't get mad if you say you love my brother." "I- I-" 

"Answer me, hyung..." "I do." 

Winwin broke into a smile at that, and wrapped his arms around Yuta, inhaling the human's scent. 

"But- but I also love your brother.." 

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