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Taeyong stood in the bar, silently huffing as he dabbed the bruise on Jaehyun's face with a cotton swab. "Honestly what were you thinking, angering Yuta like that, you know how impulsive he gets and sometimes, I feel like you're just trying to ruin your visuals and-"

"Are you worried about me, Taeyong?" the older stopped his movements, and then rolled his eyes, turning to throw away the cotton swab. "Shut up, dummy."

Jaehyun sighed, and grabbed Taeyong's hands, staring into the older's eyes. "Yong.. tell me one thing. Do you love Yuta? If you say you want him, not me, you want to marry him, I'll stay out of your love life. Forever, I swear." Taeyong stared into Jaehyun's beautiful eyes, gulping as he did so. "I- I-" he couldn't say it. He couldn't say the words he was supposed to say, he couldn't when Jaehyun was staring at him like that, staring into his eyes.

"Taeyong.. Do you love him or do you think you love him?" Taeyong froze at Jaehyun's words, not knowing how to respond. "I- I don't know..." "Well, does your heart flutter whenever you look at him? Would you risk your life for him? Or are you just loyal to your best friend, Yong? It's easy to get confused."

The older stared at him, and pulled his phone out of his pocket, dialing Yuta's number.

Yuta was pulled back to real life and flinched away from Sicheng, grabbing his vibrating cell phone. "Oh- bubu, what is it-" Taeyong breathed out, and then spoke nervously. "Yuta, we have to talk, I have something to tell you." 

Yuta could actually guess what it was, and he looked at Sicheng's perfect face, smiling because the chinese was one of the most beautiful people he had ever met, both inside and out. "I have something to tell you too, see you later at my house."

He hung up, and smiled at Winwin. "Lets go, we have somewhere to be." Sicheng followed Yuta, the japanese still holding most of the umbrella over Sicheng, and the chinese couldn't do anything about it.

Taeyong was standing at the front porch of the house, and waiting for Yuta. The japanese gently pushed Winwin into the house, and walked up to Taeyong. The korean whispered something to him, and Yuta nodded in agreement, sighing as he looked sad. 

"Alright, I get it. You're not the only one tempted." Winwin didn't hear what they were saying, and watched as Taeyong pulled Yuta into a long and deep kiss, his heart stinging in pain. Why would he feel like this? Him and Yuta weren't anything, he was sent here to kill the fisherman, to take his life after Yuta had lost everything, then why did his heart hurt seeing him kiss someone else? Sicheng shook his head, convincing himself.

"It's just that you have to keep seducing him and playing with him, you're just confused, you hate him. You detest him.. Right?"

Yuta pulled away from Taeyong, and smiled sadly. "We are still best friends, right?" Taeyong laughed, the tears in his eyes spilling out. "Until the end of time, you idiot." Yuta smiled slightly, teasing. "Well then, bubu. I expect for you to come and hang around again, and Jaehyun better treat you right, or next time I'm breaking his nose."

Taeyong's face went bright red as he stared at Yuta. "Wh-who said anything about Jaehyun?" Yuta shrugged, glancing at his watch. "That man is whipped for you, you clearly went to his bar afterwards and now I'm here talking to you about breaking up, of course it's Jaehyun. Now you two better be happy or I'll knock some sense into you." 

The older burst out laughing, and hugged Yuta. "Then I guess I wish you good luck with Sicheng.. Just- Yuta, please, look out a bit. I actually have a bad feeling about him, and I'm not saying this out of jealousy. Just- stay safe."

Yuta nodded, not really thinking about it, and walked back into the house, smiling at Sicheng, who looked oddly cold. "Sichengie!" Yuta called, smiling. "What is it?" Yuta frowned at how flat the chinese sounded, but shrugged it off. "I broke things off with Taeyong." Winwin leapt up, staring at Yuta. "YOU DID WHAT?" Yuta looked taken back, and repeated what he said slowly. "I broke things off with Yongie...?" 

Winwin cheered, and dove onto Yuta, smiling like a maniac, unable to contain the joy he felt. "You- OH MY GOD- DOES- does that mean you're single again?" Yuta nodded, surprised as he realized Winwin was lying right on top of him. "That's what breaking things off with someone means...? It means you become single again and-" Winwin cut him off with a sly smile, and then pouted. "Hyung, can you dance?"

Yuta stared at him, and nodded. "Yeah.. I can..? Why do you ask?" Winwin smiled, and pulled Yuta up, making him sit down on the sofa. "I wanna let you see me dance, hyung..." Winwin walked over to his phone, and started the music. Yuta recognized the music..

"Move by Taemin?" Winwin smiled, and started dancing, his body fully on beat to the rhythm, and Yuta couldn't help but stare. He was completely mesmerized by the chinese's body movements, and he couldn't help but gape, and he felt his trousers tighten up. Yuta gulped, and Winwin looked at him, seeing his discomfort, and smiled innocently, just when Yuta closed his eyes, trying not to stop being turned on, Winwin flounced over, and sat right on his lap. 

"Hyung.. Did you not like that dance?" Yuta swallowed nervously, trying to contain himself. "I- I did.." "Then why did you close your eyes?" Sicheng whined, making Yuta swear under his breath. "Sicheng- please- get off.." 

"But Hyung~ I thought you wanted this?" Yuta froze, as the chinese started grinding on him, groping his ass. "Sicheng- please don't make me do anything I'll regret-"

The chinese stopped his movements, smiling down at the Japanese. "You're soaking wet, I think you need a shower." Yuta started coughing horribly, choking at the younger's words. "I meant from the rain, hyung. You're drenched... aren't you?" 

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