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YOOOOOOO WE ARE ON CHAPTER THIRTY ALREADY YEEEEK! MY XIAOCAS FANFIC: Fuckboy is coming out later please look forward to it!! SQUEEEEEEEE! 

Kun walked out of the house, his heart oddly heavy. Why did he care about the Japanese so much? He should focus more on Ten, right? He was in love with Ten, he loved Ten and only him. Yuta followed Sicheng into the sea, the siren pulling Yuta into the waves.

"Are you finally letting me die now?" Yuta asked, and Winwin rolled his eyes. "No, you idiot. I can help you breathe underwater." Now that Kun wasn't there, the Japanese seemed a bit more lively, his sarcastic and snarky side showing.

"How am I supposed to breathe underwater, genius? I don't have gills like you." Sicheng rolled his eyes again, scoffing. "Do you trust me?" Yuta shook his head. "No," And Sicheng felt his heart break slightly at that, but he still gripped Yuta's hands, pulling the fisherman towards the waves. "Come on." "And let me finish my sentence. No, but because Kun told me to go with you, I will. Kun told me to trust you."

Winwin was trying his best not to cry, and he just gave up, and grabbed on tight to Yuta, throwing them both into the ocean. Yuta was holding his breath, but as they plummeted deeper to where Sicheng wanted to take him, the chinese could see the strain on his face, the chinese could see how red his face was and how he was going to run out of breath any second.

He smashed their lips together, letting Yuta breathe through him, and the Japanese's eyes widened, his muscle memory clear of how to respond to this, clear of how to respond to Sicheng's kisses.

Yuta pulled him closer, closing his eyes as he remembered his fun times with the chinese, and the many love confessions he had given.

Winwin deepened the kiss, gripping Yuta's hair as they plummeted straight down to the core of the sea, the two of them getting lost in the moment. Sicheng opened his eyes, finding the usual glittering mischief in Yuta's dark brown orbs, and started smiling as well, creating an air bubble for Yuta, and yanked the human down, tumbling into the siren world.


When Yuta straightened up again, they were in a garden filled with flowers with all sorts of vibrant colors, a picnic laid out on the stone table. "Join me for tea?" Sicheng asked, his lips curled up into a charming smile.

The japanese nodded, unsure, but he still followed Winiwn and sat down, glancing around nervously. "Wh-where's Kun?" he muttered, shaking slightly. Sicheng sighed, and walked over to Yuta, putting his arms around the older.


"I'm here, baby.. Stay with me, okay? Kun's not here for you at the moment, but I am, Yuta, please.." Yuta closed his eyes, leaning on Sicheng.

"You smell like him..." Yuta muttered, his mind unclear. "Like who?" Winwin replied, stroking the Japanese's hair. "The siren I'm in love with..." Sicheng froze at that, and Yuta smiled softly, leaning into Sicheng's touch. "Taeil hyung... What do I do if I'm in love with a siren?" he muttered softly, a tear sliding down his face. Taeil? Was Yuta mistaking him for someone else? Didn't he just scream the name 'Taeil' on the beach?

"I love him, Taeil.. But he's never going to be mine. For one he's married to that- whatever his fucking name is- Sheeppp- meehhh- oh i remember his name now, something squared... what was it, Yaoyao? Wait no.. Yangyang. I remember now, Yangyang." Winwin froze, he had expected to hear the name Ten come out from Yuta's lips, but- Yangyang-


"Taeil.. I'm in love with Dong Sicheng.." Winwin froze upon hearing that, he brought Yuta here today expecting nothing at all. "Bu-but I'm scared, hyung."


"What are you scared of, baby?" Winwin asked, making a mental note to not do what Yuta would say. "Taeil... I'm scared of him leaving me again.. He- he lied.. Just like everyone else. I- I don't want him to hurt me again.. You hurt me- and then Lucas did as well, Winwin nearly broke me, I don't want him to- do it again.. I'm scared, hyung.."

"I'm scared that he'll break me and kill me."

"But- but the scariest thing is- I-" "Yes?" Sicheng asked, patting Yuta's neck to comfort him. 

"If he wanted to.. If he asked me to die for him- I would.." 

"I would do anything for him..." 

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