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EEeeekk I already wrote 15 but I dunno if i should update yet ;) im in a mood to torture everyone with a cliffhanger but idk, maybe I'll be nice i dunno... *pouty face* Also I cannot be the only one dying over cherryverse's hilarious new video 'NCT are family friendly, i swear!' comedy gold. completely. friking. comedy gold. i'll actually start reviewing wattpad books on my instagram, I found a ton of good- no FRIKING FANTASTIC AND PERFECT fanfictions I'm obsessed with and Im in the process of contacting those authors about whether I'm allowed to give reviews on instagram about their books. Anyways, enjoy this confusing as heck and heartbreaking chapter. 

Yuta couldn't speak, and Winwin got off the Japanese. Yuta bolted upstairs towards his room, anxious to take a shower to calm himself. Winwin smiled slightly, unable to contain the burst of joy inside him. Yuta was single now, which meant they could have a future- what the hell was he thinking? He was here to kill. To KILL the fisherman. "Focus on the mission." Winwin hissed at himself, then walked over to the sink, putting his hand under running water.

"Kun Ge?" He muttered. Kun's voice appeared in his head, and strangely enough, the older sounded like he had been crying. "What is it, Sicheng?" "He broke up with his boyfriend." 

"For you?" Winwin hesitated, thinking. "I don't know, Ge." "That's probably a yes. I want you to finish the job quickly and come back, you've spent too long on land. Yangyang misses you." "But Ge-" "You're a siren, Sicheng. Stop letting yourself think that you can be a human and you could have a life with the fisherman. Sure, you could lie for a while, and you could lie to him and yourself, telling him that you're human. But what'll happen when he finds out?"

Kun stopped, both for dramatic affect, and because they knew what would happen. Or, Kun thought he knew, and Winwin believed it. "He'd kill you, or he'd catch you and sell you to one of the rich jerks who would love a siren as a pet to entertain them. I don't have to remind you of how our parents died, do I?" 

Winwin froze, and nodded. "I'll finish the job, Ge. How much time do I get?" Kun thought about it, and then replied. "You have one week. No more. Now Yangyang wants to talk to you." 

"Sicheng!" the younger's cute voice was now playing in his head, and he couldn't help but smile. "Hey, baby yangyang." "Ge ge! I missed you, when are you coming back? I need you for cuddles and I miss your singing voice~" Winwin smiled as he imagined the adorable looking and young siren pouting with puppy eyes.

"Really, that's all you miss me for?" "Yes, but I also miss you, Ge!" Winwin chuckled, and smiled, even though Yangyang couldn't hear him. "I'll be back in a week, baby. Don't worry, I just have to finish this job and avenge Ten hyung, then I'll be back with you, okay?" 

Yangyang huffed, pouting. "Don't let that fisherman touch you, ge. You don't want me getting jealous, do you?" Winwin smiled at the thought of Yangyang being pissed off and sulking. "Fine, I'll try, okay, baby?" He could hear the youngest giggling, and smiled. "But honestly, Ge, I miss you. I miss you so much.." winwin reached up, and touched the seashell necklace that yangyang had given him. "I miss you too, baby, I'll be with you soon."

There was some fumbling at the other end of the communication, and Kun's voice came back. "Stop flirting, you two. You're making me feel like a single father." "MOTHER! MAMA KUNNNNN YOU ARE NOT A SINGLE FATHER YOU'RE JUST A MOTHER!" Yangyang yelled, and Winwin couldn't help but snicker. "Aish, you kids. Anyways, come back quick or your fiance is gonna annoy me to death." Winwin smiled slightly. 

"Bye, Ge. And bye, baby, I love you so much."

"I love you too..." 


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