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Kun was now watching as Yuta took care of his- no, their daughter, watching the beautiful human play football with her on the beach.

He was so lucky... so lucky that Yuta treated her like this, so lucky that Yuta treated her like his own daughter. But what if Sicheng finds out? He'd find some way to take Yuta away again, he always did, and Yuta would hate Kun, leaving his daughter fatherless.. Again.

No. That could NOT happen. He had to do something about Sicheng, he wasn't going to hurt his brother, but he had to ensure no one would even harm his relationship with Yuta.

"Baby? What are you thinking of?" Yuta asked, Sachiko asleep on his back. "Nothing much.." Kun replied half-heartedly, still thinking of how to convince Sicheng. "I love you, baby." Yuta muttered, kissing Kun's cheek. "I love you too, Yuta, let's get her to her bedroom." Yuta wrapped an arm around Kun's waist, the other supporting Sachiko's weight.


Sicheng stormed in, wanting an explanation, but froze when he saw Yuta carrying a young girl and kissing Kun. He waited silently for the two of them to come out of the girl's room, but the first scene he saw after that broke his heart.


Yuta walked out, holding Kun's hand and smirking. "Isn't my Kunnie beautiful.." he teased, leaning closer to kiss Kun's nose. The younger pouted, and grabbed his collar. "Then show me how beautiful you think I am.." the sentence came out as a whine, and it was enough for Yuta to press their lips together, smiling blissfully. "I love you so much baby... you are so beautiful.. The most beautiful siren there is." Yuta giggled, smiling as he played with Kun's soft hair.

"Really? Most beautiful? You flatter me." Kun replied, a rosy blush on his cheeks. "I'm not using flattery. You are the most beautiful, and the best part, is that you're mine."

Winwin felt tears well up in his eyes, and at the same time, Yuta looked up, along with Kun, their reactions different. Yuta smiled, waving, but Sicheng swore he saw a murderous glint in Kun's eyes for a while, although it disappeared soon.

"Hey brother." Kun greeted, and Yuta smiled, nodding. "Hi Sicheng!" there wasn't a sign that Yuta was going to let go of Kun's hand, or deny what he had just done.


"Uh- right- are you dating my brother?" Yuta nodded happily, kissing Kun's cheek, completely missing the death stares the siblings were giving each other. "Yeah, I love Kun." Yuta replied, smiling as he glanced at the chinese next to him, adoration clear in his eyes. Sicheng gulped silently, nodding, forcing himself to not let any emotions betray him.

"Sicheng we need to talk now- like right-" Ten burst in, and he stared at the awkward scene in front of him. "Uh- right, come on, Winwin." The younger practically bolted out of the room with Ten, thankful for an excuse to be excused from the room.

"Your brother looked freaked out." Yuta stated, getting on the wooden table. Kun scoffed lightly at that, sighing and working up a lie in his head. "Yeah.. about that... I guess he hasn't gotten over it yet..." kun muttered, acting like he was trying to keep his voice down, knowing very well Yuta's sensitive ears had heard him. "Gotten over what?" Yuta asked, his eyes wide and curious. Kun stumbled back, shaking his head vigorously.


"N-Nothing, ignore that." To say Kun knew how to manipulate people was an understatement. He could convince all the presidents in the world to start WW3 if he wished it, manipulating Yuta was as easy as snapping his fingers. The Japanese was like putty in his hands.

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