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Taeyong had to go off to work, and so did Yuta, but the Chinese was desperate to tag along with Yuta. "Pleaseeee Hyung?" Yuta sighed, walking into this room. "Look, I don't want you to fall into the ocean like last time and drown or-"

"I WON'T! I just got a cramp last time, I can swim!" Yuta sighed, and opened his closet, pulling out some clothes. "Sicheng I just don't want you getting hurt-" "I WON'T!" "The answer is still no."

Yuta looked at Sicheng for a few seconds, then shrugged, ignoring the fuming chinese, and started unbuttoning his shirt. Winwin didn't even notice what he was doing, until Yuta had taken his shirt off, and Sicheng stared at the japanese, who was standing in front of him completely shirtless, making the chinese gape.

"Wh- what are you doing?" Winwin stammered, gasping as Yuta started unbuckling his belt. The older chuckled, and walked towards Sicheng, a devilish smirk on his face.

"Why, Sichengie.." the chinese shivered, Yuta's hot breath on his ear. The older yanked his belt off, the belt curling around his hand like a whip. "Yo-you have a boyfriend." Winwin managed. Yuta started laughing, putting the belt down on the bed.

"Oh- oh-" Yuta couldn't help it anymore, and started snorting. "Oh darling, Winko, I'm changing. What do you think I'm doing? You are standing in my room, and I have to change for work, you know." Winwin's face grew even redder, and Yuta's smirk never dropped from his face.

"Now are you going to continue standing there when I change my trousers?" Winwin let out a shriek and ran out of the room, making the japanese chuckle. Yuta changed quickly, and then walked out as well, smiling at Sicheng, whose face was still strawberry red.

"You coming or not?" Sicheng smiled immediately, pumping his fist into the air and cheering. "YAYYYYYY WE'RE GOING FISHING!" Yuta smiled, leading the chinese out of his house, and Winwin skipped next to him, happily grinning because they were going to the sea. 

Yuta smiled at the younger's cuteness, and followed the overly excited chinese towards the beach, and when they got there, he poked Winwin, and pointed towards his boat, the happy younger skipping towards it.

"Yuta hyung, I didn't expect to see you here!" Yuta chuckled, looking at Mark. "Hello, watermelon." Mark frowned, sticking out his tongue. "I am not a watermelon! Anyways, fishing? I'm going fishing with Johnny hyung and Haechan." "Well, yeah, you know me, it's my job. Anyways, see you later." 

Mark nodded, and then stared at the chinese climbing onto Yuta's boat. "Um- who- is that the guy who nearly got eaten by sharks?" Yuta nodded, fixing the bandages on his arm. "Nearly got eaten by sharks, nearly got raped in an alley, and nearly died by falling down the stairs." 

"YUTAAAAAAA!" The said person chuckled, and then waved goodbye to Mark, walking towards the boat. "And Hyung!" Yuta turned around, glancing at Mark. "Yes, Morkie?" "You look really good today, hyung."

Mark's cheeks grew red as he said that, and Yuta laughed, waving goodbye. "Thanks, Mark. You look really cute as well." Johnny noticed his little brother staring at Yuta, and laughed a little. "Mork lee, you're staring at him again."

Mark sighed, pouting a bit. "I wish he wasn't dating Taeyong hyung.. I mean- they look really cute together, but I wish I had a chance.."

Haechan rolled his eyes, grabbing Mark's hand and pulled him onto their boat. "LETS GO!" Hyuck yelled, fuming. "Haechan- that hurt!" Mark complained, but Hyuck took no notice and continued dragging him towards the boat.

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