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Kun set Yuta down on the bed, sighing slightly as he glanced at the Japanese. "I'm sorry.. I caused you so much pain... I can't even recognize who you were from who you are now. I should've figured everything out before I sent Sicheng on that mission.. You're not as bad as I thought you were, I'm sorry..." 

Yuta opened his eyes, looking at Kun. "None of that matters now. I'm just a pet." With that, he closed his eyes again, placing Kun's hand back on his head and closed his eyes, a blissful expression on his face.

"A pet? Did you just call yourself a pet?" Yuta purred, resting his head on Kun's lap. "Don't tell me I don't remind you of a cat." The siren let out a laugh at that, and closed his eyes as well.

"So now you don't want anything to do with Sicheng?" Yuta's eyes opened again, and he turned around, gazing up at the siren. "Why do you always have to talk about him, can we not have one nice moment without the conversation heading his way?" Kun stared back, gently caressing Yuta's face. "Do you not care about him?"

The Japanese's face twisted, and he started growling. "Why the hell should I? He has nothing to do with me. We clearly aren't friends anymore, we are not lovers, we don't have any sort of relationship, therefore I don't care about him."

"What about us, we aren't any of those things." Yuta frowned at hearing that, and pulled himself closer to Kun. "We're just both lost. And you're my owner, are you not?"

Kun's breathing hitched upon hearing that, and he finally realized what he had done to this human. Yuta's normal human common sense, his usual ability to survive, to live depending on himself was gone, he depended on Kun now. He depended on the siren like he was an anchor keeping him in place, keeping his sanity in place.

"About Sicheng, last question. How does it feel to be lying to yourself?" Yuta rolled his eyes, scoffing. "Kun, don't act like you're not doing the exact same thing. We're both just lost souls that found each other and take it out on each other."

Kun smiled at how true that was, and kissed Yuta's neck, lying down next to the Japanese, finally getting the braveness to say what he wanted to. "I love you." Then they fell asleep next to each other, a smile on both of their faces.

Yuta smiled at Sicheng, laughing in delight at how beautiful the younger was as the younger played with the icing on their cake. Yuta's smile widened, and he pulled Winwin closer, planting a kiss on the Chinese's nose. "You are so perfect, you know that?" 

Winwin's eyes widened, him looking more innocent than ever, making Yuta smile. "You are so beautiful in every way, Dong Sicheng, that's why I'll always love you. Promise."

Sicheng smiled upon hearing that, but his expression changed slightly. "Sicheng.. Promise me you won't leave me or hurt me like the others did.." "I won't... I promise."



A promise was worth nothing, nothing at all. Sicheng still left him, it was funny how quickly Yuta went from the love of his life to nothing but a mission target, so quickly it was hilarious. 

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