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"Sicheng what on earth are you on about, have you been drinking or smo-" The chinese pouted cutely, his brown eyes glittering, and Yuta could see the tears welling up in his eyes. "Do you like me or Mark better?"

"How on earth do you want me to answer that Mark is a good friend and you're-" "The idiotic and ugly tramp you found on the streets and brought home?" Yuta's eyes widened at that, and he pulled the chinese into a fierce hug. "Don't you ever say that about yourself, Sicheng, you are much more than that to me. Plus, you are definitely not ugly or idiotic. You are absolutely beautiful, scratch that you're the most beautiful person I have ever seen, and although you do some silly things, it's still adorable and it just makes me love and want to protect you more."

Winwin couldn't stop blushing after hearing that, his eyes wide as Yuta smiled at him, the older's eyes warm and full of love. "I can't choose between you two if you're asking me to do that, because you two are different. He's just a friend, but you're more. If you're asking me to choose one between you two to date, then I choose you. I'll always choose you, because you've been nothing but honest with me, and you have to be one of the most innocent and cutest people I've ever met, it took a while but Sicheng.."

The younger's breathing hitched as Yuta leaned closer, the japanese caressing his face gently. "I've realized I'm in love with you.. Utterly and completely in love with you."

Yuta leaned closer, brushing Winwin's lips with his thumb. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, staring intently at the younger's lips, but he didn't want to come off as rude so he asked for consent..

Winwin didn't reply, and just wrapped his arms around Yuta's neck, pulling the Japanese closer, and kissed him, their lips touching gently. It wasn't like the last kiss they shared, that one desperate and filled with fiery passion and set fireworks through Sicheng's body, this one was soft and pleasant, it was a kiss that told Sicheng he was loved, a kiss in which he could feel Yuta's love towards him.

The chinese smiled against the Japanese's lips, and they cuddled on the couch later, but as soon as Yuta fell asleep, his eyes turned sad and cloudy, and he let out a deep sigh.

Nothing but honest to him? The bond they had now, everything they had now was built on a lie. The lie that he was human. Not to mention the fact that he was sent to kill Yuta. If the Japanese knew about that, everything would be ruined. The world, the harsh and cruel reality of the world would come crashing down on Sicheng, the truth that he and Yuta were never supposed to be.

There was a knock, and Winwin got up, thinking it was probably Mark, and opened the door. "Kun- Kun Ge what are you doing here-" Kun looked terrible. Absolutely terrible. The siren had dark circles under his eyes, not to mention how bloodshot and red his eyes were, plus his shaggy and untamed hair sticking up everywhere. "Ge what are you-" 

Kun's eyes fell on the sleeping Japanese, and then he looked at Winwin, knocking the chairs over and putting them on the floor, making it seem like there was quite a scuffle in the house. "Come on, let's go." "Go- go where?" Yangyang stepped out from behind Kun, his radiant smile making the corner of winwin's lips tug upwards. "Come on ge ge! Let's go, Kun Ge says we're back going to our underwater home!" Winwin stared at the older, and froze. Kun pulled a phone out of his pocket, and placed it next to the sleeping Japanese. 

"Let's go." Winwin had no choice but to follow the older out into their car, and Yangyang wrapped his arms around Sicheng, happily trotting into the car as well. Kun drove off as soon as they closed the door, the older's jaw clenched tightly.

Mark stared at the scene from around the corner, his mouth gaping open slightly. "What the actual fuck was all that?" he muttered, not understanding what he just saw.

"Who for the love of watermelons were those two?" 

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