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Yuta hummed quietly as he carried Winwin on his back, walking towards the guest room. "Night, Taeyong!" he whispered, and his boyfriend smiled, driving off.

The minute Taeyong left, Winwin started breathing on Yuta's neck purposely, teasing the Japanese. Kun had told him to make Yuta cheat on Taeyong, to make everyone around him hate him, to make him lose everyone he had then kill him. Sicheng wrapped his arms around Yuta, and whispered in his ear.

"Oppa..." Yuta stiffened again, and quickly opened the door to Sicheng's room, setting him down on the bed. "Right, go to sleep, I'll be in my room if you-"

"I want to take a shower.." Yuta groaned silently, and looked at winwin. "Then go take a shower.." "But I can't walk-" Yuta was honestly on the verge of slamming his head into the wall, but he sighed, and looked at the chinese. "There's a bathtub in my room, I'll run you a bath and you can wash yourself there, okay?"

Sicheng nodded, and Yuta stumbled out of the room, cursing about how Sicheng was gonna be the death of him. What he didn't know, was that Sicheng had just started.

Yuta quickly turned on the tap, grabbing the bath salts and bath bombs for Sicheng, putting them next to the bathtub, then switched off the tap when the bathtub was almost full, tested the water temperature, and then headed back to Sicheng's room, finding the chinese sitting there, his shirt unbuttoned.

The japanese immediately turned around, swearing as he tried to calm down his breathing. "Right. Bath." He picked Winwin up, not looking at the chinese as he headed straight towards his room, setting sicheng down on the side of the bathtub, and walked out quickly, burying his head into his pillow, the image of Sicheng with his shirt unbuttoned finding it's way back into his head.

"Taeyong.. Taeyong.. Taeyong.." Yuta muttered, and finally, the image disappeared, replaced by his happy memories with his boyfriend, leaving Yuta lying there, smiling happily as he remembered the place he first kissed Yongie. He couldn't believe they started as best friends, then friends with benefits, and now they were dating. What was this, a wattpad novel?


Yuta bit his lip, and stood up. "What is it, Sicheng?" "Can you please get me a towel and my clothes?" Yuta didn't think much of it, and went to Winwin's room, getting him the clothes put in his wardrobe, and brought them over, not looking in the bathroom and reaching his hand inside."I can't get up, Yuta..." The Japanese closed his eyes, swearing as he walked in, holding the clothes over to Winwin.

The chinese took them, and Yuta sighed in relief, about to walk out, but Winwin gripped his arm, pulling himself out of the bathtub, and Yuta's breathing hitched again, screwing his eyes shut. Sicheng pulled on his trousers, and stumbled, falling on top of Yuta.

His eyes flew open, and he stared at Sicheng, who was lying right on top of him, shirtless, his skin dripping water droplets, and damn he looked bloody beautiful and perfect as usual, his hair wet and water dripping down his sharp features. "Fuck- get off, Sicheng!" Yuta hissed, closing his eyes again.

"But I need you to carry me.." "Just stand up and I'll carry you back to your room after you put on a bloody damn shirt!" Winwin pouted, and gently traced Yuta's features with his fingers, and Yuta at this point was about to lose his damn self control.

He got up, picking Sicheng up and threw the chinese onto his bed, not even caring about his wounds at this point, and grabbed Sicheng, their faces an inch away from each other.

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