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Yuta was snoring in his room again, until his eyes flew open, hugging himself. "Why is it so cold..?" he muttered, getting up from his bed and turning to close the window. "Who even left the window open?" he grumbled, swearing as he shut it, shivering because of the strong winds. He looked around, missing the chinese's body warmth.

"Sichengie?" he muttered, looking around and turned to go to the guest room, not noticing the person standing behind the curtains. 

The person leapt out, a mask covering his face as he pulled out a dagger and tried to stab Yuta. The attacker managed to rip off the bandages on Yuta's arm, and stabbed the bite wound from the sharks, making blood trickle down his arm. However, even in sick conditions, the fisherman's reflexes were still amazing, and the attacker leapt on his shoulders, raising the dagger. Yuta slammed the attacker onto the wall, his face buried in the attacker's crotch area. "Pervert!" The attacker hissed, and Yuta recognized the raspy voice, it came from a siren. Those creatures had a second voice when they spoke, like a bass to make their voices even more beautiful.

"Siren." Yuta growled back, his voice muffled. Yuta couldn't hear Sicheng, and he started worrying about the chinese, grabbing the attacker's upper body, and flipped him around, throwing himself onto the bed and slamming the stranger under him. "What the hell have you done to him?" The japanese growled, pinning the attacker's arms and legs on the bed.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" The siren hissed. "What the hell have you done to my Sicheng?" the attacker froze, a blush rising under the mask. "Your Sicheng?" his tone was odd, but Yuta just couldn't put a finger on why. 

"Yes, my dong sicheng, what the hell have you done with him?" "He's not yours-" "well he fucking will be because I am going to ask him out so you bloody tell me what you've done with him or I will rip off your vocal cords, and if you're a siren and coming to kill me you probably know I'm not bluffing. So where the hell is my baby boy?"

The siren's face got even redder, and he threw himself up, throwing Yuta off the bed and onto the floor, taking the chance to grab his dagger and throw himself out of the window, crashing through the grass.

Yuta lay on the floor for a while, groaning both because of the pain in his body and in his head. "What the hell just happened.." about 20 minutes later, he could finally sit up, and Winwin walked in, rubbing his eyes like he just woke up. "Hi hy- oh my god what happened!?" he asked, running over. Yuta broke into a smile after seeing him, pulling Sicheng into his arms. "You're okay.. Thank god.. I thought he hurt you..." Winwin was stunned after being pulled into Yuta's embrace, the japanese crying and kissing his head.

"Sicheng... stay safe, okay? Promise me you won't get hurt, promise me you won't leave..." Winwin thought about that promise, and nodded. Him killing Yuta didn't break that promise. "I promise." Yuta continued crying, hugging the younger tightly. "Yu-yuta, you're bleeding.."

"I don't care," the japanese replied, pampering Sicheng's cheeks with kisses and gently patting his back. "All I care about is you, I just don't want you to get hurt." The siren in his arms froze, his heart hurting. Why did Yuta have to make the one job he had to do so difficult? Why did this japanese have to be able to make his heart beat like it was gonna fly out of his chest?

"I would die for you, Sicheng. I'm not kidding. If my life fading would save yours, I'd gladly take the chance, because before I met you, I was a complete jerk and a cold hearted murderer, I didn't love people, I didn't care about people, I had flings, and I even went and played with Taeyong, I know I'm a complete asshole. But- you- you changed everything, Sicheng. You were just so innocent and perfect and-" Sicheng felt like everything around him was slowing down, as he waited for Yuta to finish. Was he going to say what he thought he was-

"And- and you melted my frozen heart, Sicheng... I love you. I could say those three words to anyone before because they didn't matter to me, but Sicheng," the japanese took Winwin's hand, and pressed the palm to his chest. "I love you, and my heart can tell you I'm not lying. I love you, Dong Sicheng, and my heart beats for you. I care about you, my heart is yours, just say you want it." 



The dagger that had nearly taken Yuta's life lay on the bedside table in Winwin's room, the cold and icy blade radiating death, silently waiting to fulfil the purpose it was made for. 

To kill Nakamoto Yuta. 

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