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"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs Lee." "Do come on in, you two, I've made lots of our precious baby Markie's favorite food!" The lady cooed, smiling at her son. Mark grumbled, his face burning and grumbling about how his mother was embarrassing him.

Yuta smiled slightly at the cute family, and walked in after Mark, holding the door for the younger. Mark's face looked even more like a tomato seeing Yuta's little gentle gesture.

Mrs Lee smiled, and ushered the two of them into the living room, and Mr Lee sat at the head of the table, and he quickly smiled at the two, beckoning for them to sit, and Yuta walked over to mark's seat, pulling his chair out for the canadian, channeling his inner gentleman.

"Th-thanks, hyung.." Yuta smiled at him, ruffling his hair, then walked back to his seat. "Don't mention it, baby." Mrs Lee's eyes widened, and she smiled so widely that Yuta was concerned for a second about whether her face would stretch too much and break like elastic.

"So.. what's the relationship between you and Yuta?" Mrs Lee asked nonchalantly, scooping some mashed potatoes for Mark. "Um- we're just friends-" her eyes glinted dangerously, then looked at the door, and her gaze flickered back to Mark. "You were saying?" If Mark didn't give her the right answer, it was clear she was going to throw her son out. 

"R-right- u-um-" Yuta watched, amused as he watched Mark's parents pester him, and the poor canadian couldn't even speak, his face getting redder and redder. That was when Yuta decided to help him, and stood up, walking over to Mark.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier, I'm Nakamoto Yuta, Mark's boyfriend." Mark's mother started squealing, but his father frowned slightly. "But what about proof, you two don't seem to you know, hold hands, kiss, fu-"

Yuta smiled, and wrapped his arms around Mark, kissing the Canadian's cheek, then looked up innocently at Mark's father, flashing his healing smile. "Yes, Mr Lee?" 

The older couple started squealing together, getting up from their chairs and walked over to Yuta excitedly, bombarding him with questions. He had met Mark's parents once before, but he was introduced as Mark's friend. "What do you do for a living?" "Um, I'm a fishe-" "Don't mind that, we've got enough money for the both of them to live extremely luxuriously, and I'm sure he has a nice job, when did you two start dating?" "About 7 months ag-" "7 months? LEE MIN-HYUNG WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFOREHAND, HUH?" 

Yuta chuckled, smiling a bit at his parent's adorable reactions. They weren't actually dating, and Mark was gonna tell them a few months later they had broken up, and this conversation was going to be nothing but a weird and bitter memory for the old married couple.

"So, Yuta, where do you live?" The Japanese smiled, glancing at Mark briefly. "I live a few streets away, it's a nice house, don't worry, I room with a friend of mine."

"Why don't you move in with Mark then?" Mark spat out the water he was drinking, and started choking after hearing his parents say that. "Oh my god Mark are you alright?" Mrs Lee was about to go and help her son, but Yuta quickly hurried over, grabbing a napkin and started wiping Mark's face, and his clothes. 

"Come on, Mark, you'll have to take off your jacket, your shirt should be dry."

Yuta shrugged off his grey jacket, draping it around Mark, and tied the sleeves firmly around the younger's shoulders, smiling. "You look so small in my jacket~" he teased, and Mark's face turned red. "Hy-hyung you're embarrassing me-" Yuta chuckled, and then dabbed at Mark's chin carefully.

"Try not to choke on water, I don't want you to die here." Mark rolled his eyes, but was stunned as Yuta leaned closer, wiping his mouth with the napkin, staring intently at the younger's lips. "There you go, all dry and warm, don't want you to catch a cold." When the Japanese turned back to Mark's parents, he swore he could see stars in their eyes. 

"Um-" Mark's mother smiled, and looked at him warmly, a dangerous but fiery glint in her eyes, and Yuta quickly picked up his glass of champagne, sipping on it to avoid looking right into the woman's eyes. 

"When are you two getting married?" 

And this time, it was Yuta's turn to choke. 

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