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Yuta woke up in Taeyong's arms, smiling at the older. "You are so cute sometimes..." the japanese muttered, planting a kiss on Taeyong's right cheek, and the korean mumbled random words in response. "Centipedes.." Yuta shivered, staring at Taeyong, disgusted. "NO!" "Well then.. Kisses..." Yuta chuckled, and climbed on top of his boyfriend, teasingly planting kisses on Taeyong's lips. "Up, bubu. Wake up!"

Taeyong buried himself deeper into the blankets, clinging onto Yuta's pillow, and refused to get up. The Japanese got quite the evil idea...

He got off the bed, and then walked over to Taeyong's side of the bed, and bent down, whispering into Yongie's ear. "If you don't wake up now, bubu.. I guess I'll go back to my house and carry Sicheng off my bed and let him do what he wanted.."

Taeyong leapt right up after hearing that, and Yuta started laughing, "Hey that's not funny!" Yuta shrugged, grabbing his bottle of water and drank, Taeyong staring at his neck and Adam's apple. "Oh you thirsty bubu.." Yuta teased, and Taeyong's face turned red.

"He-Hey! I am not-" Yuta raised the bottle of water, and poured it onto his face slowly, letting out soft moans as the water trickled down his skin, with Taeyong unable to take his eyes off him.

"You were saying?" The younger asked in triumph. "I- I am not turned on-" "Your pants say otherwise, bubu, now come on. I want breakfast!" Taeyong mumbled some curses, and got up, throwing on a shirt and followed Yuta down into the kitchen.

"Alright.. What do you want for breakfast?" "VEGETABLE JUICE AND TTEOKBOKKI!"

"You want tteokbokki for breakfast?" Yuta nodded, and Taeyong sighed, wondering why his boyfriend had such weird eating habits. "Fine, I'll make it for you, and later I'll go to your house with you." Yuta nodded happily, and pranced off to play with Taeyong's dog.

Taeyong shook his head slightly, grinning as he washed his hands and prepared breakfast.

Winwin got up, stumbling slightly. He may have enjoyed sleeping in Yuta's bed a bit too much, it was much more comfortable than the bed in the guest room, and the sheets smelled like Yuta. His floral scent was rubbed onto the bed, and it honestly soothed him and made him feel like he was sleeping in Yuta's arms and it would be so comfortable-


WHY THE HELL DID HE LIKE SLEEPING IN YUTA'S BED? HE SHOULD BE DISGUSTED! He should have hated it more than anything, he was sleeping in the bed of the man who murdered his brother's boyfriend. He should hate his stench, he should be absolutely repulsed by Yuta's room.. But why?

Why was there a part inside him that enjoyed it?

Why was there a part inside him that secretly wished Yuta would actually be next to him in this bed?

Yuta's face when he saved Sicheng from the sharks swam back into his head, how the Japanese had gotten bitten for him, and how he never let go even if the pain was hitting him, how Yuta had pulled him back to the beach even if blood was flowing out of his wound, and he was running out of oxygen.

Winwin quickly shook the image off, Yuta wouldn't even have saved him if he didn't have a pretty face.. That was what Kun Ge said, right? Yuta was only a sucker for beauty and hated seeing it lost. But there just had to be a part of him that knew.

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