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"Dong Sicheng why would you ever let me take your fucking first kiss? I am a bloody fuckboy and a playboy and you of all people should know that! Why would you EVER GIVE ME SOMETHING SO SO SPECIAL TO YOU?"

Sicheng stared, surprised at the Japanese's reaction. "Yuta, I w-" "WHY IN OSAKA'S NAME WOULD YOU GIVE ME, out of all people, your FIRST KISS!" "BECAUSE I WANT TO!"

Yuta froze upon hearing that, and walked towards the chinese. "What did you say?" "Be-because I wanted you- to- to kiss me-" Yuta couldn't help it, and pushed Winwin onto the wall, making the younger stumble, his eyes wide. "Hy-hyung? What are you-" "Do you want me to do it, and not just get a stolen one that wasn't real?"

Winwin swallowed nervously, and nodded, shaking in anticipation. "You're not teasing or trying to make fun of me again, right?" Yuta smiled, his eyes gentle as he started playing with Winwin's hair. "I wouldn't baby.. You're so beautiful." And with that, he put a small peck on Sicheng's lips, and the siren could feel the warmth of the fisherman's lips on his, and his smirk. 

"M-more.." Sicheng whispered, his face flushing red in embarrassment. "You sure, Sichengie?" there was a shy nod from the chinese, and Yuta smiled slightly, kissing him again, but more deeply this time.

Winwin reached up shyly, tugging at the japanese's hair as a groan was pulled out from the back of his throat. He felt Yuta's lips curl into a smirk, and Winwin decided to try something. He jumped, because he trusted Yuta. Just as the younger thought, the Japanese caught him, stumbling upstairs to his bedroom, and they collapsed onto the bed together, panting because of their actions. "Hy-hyu- daddy.."

Yuta smiled as Winwin lay in his embrace, the two of them watching spider man together. Yuta smiled as he played with the chinese's fluffy hair, he was honestly just so cute, lying there and staring intensely at the TV screen.

"Hyung, why didn't you want to... do it?" Winwin asked, curious, but he was blushing too much. The fisherman smiled warmly, leaning and kissing his cheek. "Because, baby, I've already taken your first kiss. I'm not taking your first time, Sicheng. We can do that when we're married. Promise." he finished with a smirk. "Mar-married?" Yuta smiled back warmly, leaving butterfly kisses on Sicheng's neck. 

"You've never thought of a future with me?" Yuta pouted. No. He hasn't. He's never thought of the bloody possibility he would fall in lo- NO. he would have- weird- feelings for his hyung's killer. "I- I di- didn't think that far.." Yuta pouted, looking sad now. "Well baby, one day I'll propose... and I hope you say yes, is that alright with you?"

"Bu-but I'm-" "You're what?" Yuta asked, curiously this time. "No-nothing." Sicheng didn't want to talk about Yangyang, not right now.. He'll try and tell Yuta one day, just- not this moment, because he didn't want to ruin the mood...

"So you've honestly never thought about being with me in the future?" Yuta's expression had turned serious, and he climbed over, making Winwin look at him. 

"Hy-Hyung-" "It's fine, Sicheng. I just over thought. I'll be in the kitchen, making us dinner."

"But Hyung I have to tell you some-""Next time, Sicheng. I have to make you dinner first, because I still have to go to help Mark.""Is Mark THAT IMPORTANT?" Winwin yelled, tears welling up in his eyes for a reason unknown to him, but Yuta didn't even turn and look at him.



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