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Lisa was almost sprinting down the maze under the stage. She needed to check on Jennie ASAP!

"Calm down Nalalisa!" Jisoo yelled behind her.

"No time!" Lisa yelled back without stopping.

"Jeeez... it's not like we aren't worried about Jendeukie as well, but do you see me pretending to be Usain Bolt after a two hour concert!?" Jisoo muttered to Rosé who was walking next to her. 

In normal speed. Unlike Lisa.

"Let her run... you know how she gets when Jennie is concerned." Rosé just shrugged, before adding "God I'm hungry, where should we go to get food?"

"Somewhere where they got chicken." Jisoo smiled brightly. Rosé smiled back at her partner in food. 


Lisa pulled open the door of the room where Jennie supposedly was and dashed inside. It was one of the common rooms with comfy sofas and stuff. She looked around but there were only staff members. No Jennie. Everyone was looking at her though for her entrance had been very loud.

"Where's Jennie???" she huffed out a little out of breath and more than frustrated. "She didn't have to be taken to the hospital, did she?!" Lisa was worried out of her mind. She couldn't think straight anymore.

One of the Make-up Artists was at her side in no time, seeing her distress "No, don't worry. Her manager brought her to the hotel as soon as it was clear that she wasn't gonna return to the stage tonight." "Sit down Lisa, we don't need another one of you exhausting themself..." and she carefully guided Lisa to a nearby sofa. Lisa let herself be seated, her mind still running. 

At that moment, Jisoo and Rosé entered the room. "Where's that Jendeukie?" Jisoo asked lovingly but found only Lisa on the sofa, starring at nothing in particular, slowly calming down her breath. "Hotel" was all the Thai could manage. 

"Is she ok though?" Jisoo proded at the staff members.

"More or less ok. She needs to rest though." the blonde Make-up Artist told her. Jisso nodded, relieved. 

Rosé extended her hand out to Lisa in a silent command for her to get up and come with them. "Ok, come on Lisa, we should get changed and then we can go straight to the hotel, how does that sound?"

"What about food though?" Jisoo whined. Now that she knew that Jennie wasn't in life threatening danger, she really really wanted some chicken. Like right now!

Rosé looked at her Unnie amused "We can order room service, that way we can eat in bed and watch Frozen or something." she coaxed. "Lisa, you too!" she told her best friend while grabbing the hand that Lisa had also extended to her and pulled her to a stand. 

"I need to see Jennie first though. I need to see that she's ok." Lisa told Rosé quietly and pouted. The three of them left the room together to go get changed into something more comfortable. "Look Lisa, we want to make sure Jennie's ok as well, but you need to take care of yourself first before you take care of someone else. Besides, Jennie will probably be sleeping already by the time we get there. " Jisoo tried to reason with the Maknae. 

"I'm gonna text her..." Lisa stubbornly decided. She grabbed her phone as soon as they were in their private changing room.

Lili: Hey Nini, they told us u r at the hotel already, how r u feeling? <3 


Lisa kept checking her phone every ten seconds for a reply while getting changed into black sweats, a white cropped thirt and sneakers. Of course she was done a lot faster than the other two and had to wait for them now. 

When they finally got in the car that took them back to the hotel, she still hadn't gotten a reply from Jennie. Lisa was worried again. Not having heard from Jennie left her feeling restless and frustrated.

"She hasn't texted back..." she whispered to no one in particular. 

Jisoo rolled her eyes big time "Calm down Limario, I bet she is sleeping. Let her rest."

"But... what if she's feeling sick again and she's all alone?" Lisa couldn't help but voice out her bad thoughts or she knew she'd implode or something. 

"The staff and the managers took care of her. And if she's feeling sick again and it's bad, she will surely contact someone... Probably you anyway..." Jisoo added with a wink in Lisas direction, before turning to Rosé. "Chaengie I'm soooo huuuungry! Where's my chicken???" and she kicked her legs like a little kid.

"We're almost there Unnie." Rosé laughed at Jisoos antics. 

Lisas phone quietly vibrated. 

Nini: Still feeling slightly sick. In bed but I can't really sleep... Tell the girls I'm soooooo sorry about tonight!!! xo

Lisa exhaled shakily, Jennies text made her relax a little bit more. She still needed to see her though she decided stubbornly.

"Let me guess, she's alive?" Jisoo teased Lisa. The maknae only stuck out her tongue at Jisoo playfully. 

Lisa texted back.

Lili: no need to be sorry Nini! I'm gonna eat something real quick but can I come see u after? when ur not already sleeping...? 

This time, Lisa didn't have to wait so long for a reply.

Nini: YES! I need one of ur hugs xxx

Lili: U got it! <3 

Lisa was way more content now that she had been able to comunicate with Jennie but she still felt like she needed to get to her Nini as fast as she could. She irritated the hell out of the other two while waiting for the room service food they ordered in Rosés'room. When their order finally arrived, she wolfed down her portion in no time and jumped to her feet. 

"Alright, I'm gonna... go..." she was already halfway to the door.

The other two just waved her off "yeah, yeah, just go see your girlfriend" Jisoo smirked. 

"What!?" Lisa asked back, her face getting hot.

"Nothing!" Rosé told her with filled Chipmunk cheeks "tell her we hope she feels better soon!"

Lisa only nodded and with that she was off to Jennies room. 

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