3 times they almost got busted

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Their Europe tour had started off great. From London, they flew to the city of Amsterdam next. European Blinks were just as awesome as the American and Asian ones. The four of them had so much fun being on stage. 

When Jennie felt exhausted after a concert night, she let herself fall into Lisa's arms and the Thai girl made it all better. The closer they got, physically as well as emotionally, the more dangerous it became for them to be accidentally caught by their other two members. They became more careless about things that could possibly give them away. Which resulted in the three times they almost got busted.


The night before their concert in Amsterdam, the four girls decided to spend the evening in pairs. Lisa and Rosé went to the hotel's very own cinema together, stuffing their faces with popcorn and chocolate, cause who needs to diet when you're twenty three, and enjoying a bit of best friend quality time.

Jisoo and Jennie decided to go down to the hotel's spa to use the sauna and steam rooms. It reminded them of their first ever visit to a korean Jjimjilbang. The older girls quite liked lounging around in hot water, letting the stress melt from their bodies, or sitting in a hot sauna, feeling their pores literally open up. The younger girls had been way to shy to come with them the first time, so it kind of became just a Jennie-Jisoo kind of thing to do. 

Jisoo met Jennie outside of her room and the brunette was about to close the door when she remembered something. 

"Hang on Unnie, I forgot my flip flops..." and she hurried back into her room, looking for them. Jisoo came in behind her and closed the door for the time being. It didn't really look like Jennie had any idea where her flip flops were. The older girl looked around her room. Usually Jennie liked things to be in order but this was not in order whatsoever. There were clothes lying around here and there. She picked up a T-shirt.

"Isn't this Lisa's?" she held it up and inspected it. It was one of Lisa's oversized band shirts that Jennie loved to sleep in. The cat-eyed girl froze for a second at her friend's question. 

"Not anymore!" she decided to answer her in a cheeky voice. She had stolen Lisa's clothes before they were even dating after all. Friends did that. 

"I've never ever seen you wear it, do you sleep in it? Do you sleep in Lisa's clothes Jendeukie?" she teased her with a raised eyebrow.

"It's comfortable!" Jennie defended while turning her suitcase upside down in search of her stupid flip flops. "Besides, may I remind you of the Nike sweatpants you stole from me because you thought they fit you better!? We are the same size Unnie!"

"Touché!" Jisoo admitted without any shame.

She went over to Jennie's bed and let herself flop down on it while she waited, lying down on her back. She reached her hands up behind her aiming to randomly grab a pillow to snuggle with. Her fingers found a fluffy round something and she brought it back to her face. 

Her eyes went wide though. It was Lisa's stuffed bear face pillow, she brought pretty much everywhere. Lisa's freaking pillow! What did it do here? On Jennie's bed? Did Lisa spend the night here? Was Jennie struggling with her anxiety again and was hiding it from everyone but Lisa? What was that little Mandu not telling her? How did she not see it the moment she entered the room before? Jisoo sat herself up again and turned herself around to look at the top of the bed. The side she had been lying on, had Lisa's pillow on top, before she had grabbed it and on the other side, lay Jennie's little stuffed toy bear. 

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