Paris (M)

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Author: Hello my friends, this story is slowly coming to its' end. There are probably five more chapters coming your way, including this one. Maybe I'll do a sequel someday. Not sure though. BUT, I have a couple other ideas brewing, regarding JenLisa content. So stay tuned, ok? Thanks for reading this <3


The Paris concert was amazing. It was in fact the perfect ending of their Europe tour. Lisa wouldn't admit it yet but this tour had taken a lot out of her. Out of all of them. They went through so much together. 

Rosé was so homesick after they had left Australia. Jisoo was the sickest she had ever been in her entire life during their Coachella concert. Jennie had to fight through her anxiety and panic attacks. And Lisa had injured her knee during one of her dances on stage and it wasn't completely healed yet. Not to mention Lisa's mental stress about her growing feelings for Jennie at the beginning of the tour. 

All four of them were very much looking forward to going home to Korea. They still had a few things scheduled the month after their tour, but then they were finally going to go on a real vacation! Well, they were going to film a couple of days for their Summer Diaries first, but after that, VACATION. For real. For three whole weeks!

Lisa woke up feeling tired but happy on their last full day in Paris. They would be flying home tomorrow around noon. Her arm reached over to the other side of the bed. It was empty but still warm. 

"Kitten?" her voice was still very sleepy.

"Bathroom!" Jennie clarified her whereabouts.

"Get back here!" Lisa thrashed around in bed a little.

Jennie leaned her head out of the bathroom, busy putting in her earrings. "What are you doing?" she laughed at Lisa.

"No, what are you doing?" the Thai sounded genuinely upset when she realized that Jennie was already dressed for the day. "You can't just get up and get ready without cuddling first? What the hell Nini?" she pouted.

"I'm sorry Babe, but I promised to have breakfast with Jisoo. You know, friend time!"

"Yeah, I get that.. but in the afternoon you're mine!" Lisa's hand shot out as Jennie walked past the bed, catching her wrist and pulling her down. Jennie plopped down on the bed and Lisa looked up at her still lying on her back.

"You look cute." she complimented.

"Thanks Lili" the brunette blushed a little. 

"Come down here, so I can at least kiss you!" Lisa demanded and Jennie obliged. 

Lisa had no intention of letting her go before she hadn't gotten her girlfriend at least a little bit worked up and regretful to leave Lisa right now. Lisa's hand hooked around Jennie's neck possesively pressing into her lips harder and biting down on Jennie's lush warm bottom lip. Thank god the korean girl didn't wear any lipstick this morning because it would have been all over Lisa's mouth right about now.

Lisa let her hand wander up into Jennie's hair while the other one was on her thigh pushing up her dress steadily. She kissed Jennie hungrily. 

The latter had to laugh a little against her lips. "Lili, I know exactly what you are doing!"

"Is it working then?" Lisa rasped against her lips between kisses.

Jennie separated herself from the Thai enough to look into her eyes. "Yes... but when I'm late, Jisoo will come looking for me... so..." she nudged her nose against Lisa's. 

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