Airplane Stories

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It was one o'clock noon and their flight to Melbourne was about to take off. They had already gotten comfortable in their first class seats. It was going to be a looooong flight to Australia and Lisa looked forward to watching a few movies and then maybe catching up on some sleep. 

Jennie had stopped being bitchy, but she didn't talk to Lisa either. The whole car ride to the airport Jennie had looked out of the window and did not really participate in any conversation. Lisa didn't either. Rosé carried the conversation mostly. She was so excited to go to her hometown and show her members around a little. And she was overjoyed by the thought of seeing her parents and her sister and a couple of old friends who she was still in contact with.

Lisa had tried to get Jisoo to spill what she talked about with Jennie when she had a moment alone with her at the airport lounge but the older girl wouldn't budge. "I just made her think about a few things." Jisoo shrugged and silenced the maknae with one of her looks when she saw the questions in her eyes. 

Now Jennie was in the seat right next to Lisa. As if the universe had fun putting them together and watching where it would go. In first class every passenger had their own little cubicle with adjustable privacy shields and everything. Jennie had the window seat while Lisa had the aisle. The korean busied herself with arranging all of her things she needed during the long haul flight, while Lisa just leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes for a bit. The privacy shield between them was up. 

They finally took off and as soon as they were on cruising altitude and the In-flight Entertainment system was no longer interrupted by safety instructions or cabin announcements, Lisa browsed through the movie section. When she had settled on a movie and was about to press play, she saw the privacy shield sliding down, revealing Jennie who looked at her timidly. Lisa met her eyes and tried hard to keep any sort of emotions off her face but she couldn't help but press her lips together at the expression in Jennie's eyes. 

"Do you want my chocolate?" Jennie reached across and held out a small plastic bag of chocolate duds for Lisa to take. The latter knew Jennie long enough to understand that it was a peace offering. "Thanks" the thai girl nodded and took it from her.

Lisa thought about just looking away and starting her movie, but she couldn't. However, the second she wanted to open her mouth, Jennie looked away and placed her headphones in her ears. 

No. Not like this. Lisa thought. She hated fighting, especially with Jennie. She tapped Jennie's shoulder. The latter took off the headphones again and looked at Lisa with wide eyes. She even seemed a bit scared of what was to come. 

"Jen, I wasn't mad." 

Jennie wanted to open her mouth but Lisa wouldn't let her. 

"No, you have to listen to me! I was feeling frustrated with myself because I hadn't realized that you weren't well. And I felt horrible for being a bad friend, for not noticing. And I was crazy worried about you because we didn't know anything. For all we knew at this point, you could have collapsed and needed a hospital, we didn't know how bad it was. So I really didn't know what to do with myself back there. It might have come across as mad but I swear, I don't think you' re weak or anything." Lisa had talked so fast, she ran out of air. 

When she was done, she looked at Jennie feeling a bit more relieved to finally get that out of her system, but also a bit embarrassed at the confession she had just made about herself. Jennie's eyes turned warm and it made Lisa's insides go crazy.

"I know." Jennie breathed out softly and sent a timid smile towards Lisa. "Jisoo told me... how crazy you drove them... because of me... I'm sorry..." she added.

Lisa swallowed. "I... I'm sorry too..."

"What do you have to be sorry about Lili?" Jennie chuckled. The nickname and the little laugh made Lisa's heart skip a beat. 

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