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Filming their Summer Diaries in Hawaii had been fun but all four of them were glad when they were finally done. Now they had three whole weeks of doing absolutely nothing ahead of them. No more cameras surrounding them and even their managers flew back to Korea, leaving them in the safe hands of a couple trusted bodyguards and drivers if they needed them.

Jennie and Lisa were particularly happy about this kind of vacation because it felt like freedom to them. They were still very careful not to be too touchy when they were out and about in public but they could act as loved up as they wanted inside their gorgeous beach front villa. They even had their own pool out on the terrace which was also protected from the curious eyes but still had a really nice view of the beach and the ocean beyond.

Doing absolutely nothing on this vacation however, was more Lisa and Jisoo's plan. Jennie and Rosé were a bit more adventurous. Hence the reason why Lisa found herself on a boat out on the pacific ocean trying to do stand-up-paddling with Jisoo while her girlfriend and Rosé were aproximately twenty meters below the surface scuba diving with a guide. Both of them had tried diving before when they were filming for Blackpink House in Thailand and they had loved it. So naturally in an environment like Hawaii with so much underwater life to marvel at, they couldn't miss their chance to do it again.

The ocean was relatively calm this morning, otherwise Lisa and Jisoo wouldn't even stand a chance to stay upright on the paddle board. Lisa did a better job than Jisoo though. The older one, who was still the only Blackpink member who couldn't swim, was extremely wary of falling into the water. It was too deep and she was scared. Even with the orange life vest she was wearing.

"When do you think they're coming back up? I'm getting hungry..." Jisoo called over to Lisa. She had sat herself down on her board, feet dangling in the water. This way she wasn't afraid of going overboard.

"They have only been down there for like half an hour... Jennie said they have a full hour of air in the tanks." Lisa answered and tried paddling over to Jisoo.

"Remind me to say no next time when they want to do stuff again. I'd rather stay at home and play games out on the terrace..."

"I guess they don't want to just leave us behind and do stuff without us..."

"You can say yes all you want, you're whipped as fuck anyway, but just remind me to say no next time, ok?" Jisoo snickered.

"Hey!" Lisa called out offended. She was close enough to poke Jisoo's board with her paddle now. Jisoo shrieked in panic.

"Manofoot, don't you dare!" she grabbed the edges of her board so she wouldn't fall off. Lisa just laughed.

"That's what you get for calling me whipped!"

"Well, you are!" Jisoo retaliated grinning up at Lisa. "It's not like it's a bad thing, it just means you are unconditionally devoted to her. I'd rip your head off if you weren't!"

Lisa sat down carefully on her own board now, holding on to the lashes on Jisoo's board to keep them floating next to each other.

"Are you two still good?" One of their guides called out to them in English from the boat. They were still close to the boat but they were able to speak privately anyway because none of their guides spoke Korean.

"Yes, we're fine, thanks!" Lisa called back with an 'OK' handsign before she turned towards Jisoo again.

"What do you mean, you'd rip my head off? Should I be scared Unnie?" she asked the older girl with a smirk.

Jisoo shrugged. "I just mean that Jendeukie deserves someone who is gentle and loving and so fucking whipped for her, she floats on a board out on the ocean even though she'd rather be on dry land right now! And if you weren't like that with her, I'd give you hell!"

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