Burst the Bubble

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8:00am the next morning. Jennie's phone was being a noisy bitch. It was her alarm clock  Lisa realized. Everything had been so warm and cosy and comfortable. She felt Jennie's leg being thrown over her own thighs and Lisa had a hand loosely lying on the older one's waist. They were facing each other and they were both lying in the middle of the bed together instead of on their respective sides. But that was to be expected, considering the position they fell asleep in last night. 

Jennie angrily muttered under her breath and rolled herself slowly towards her phone to turn the intruding noise off. Lisa immediately missed the contact.

"Ughhhh... why the fuck did you schedule an alarm for 8 in the fucking morning Jen? Our flight doesn't leave until noon!" she groaned and pulled the covers over her head to block out the light for a little while longer. 

Jennie rolled herself back to her, but not as close as before. "Because I still have to pack my stuff and I didn't know how I would feel this morning... so I planned in a little time to get ready for the flight even if I didn't feel well... I need to take it easy."

Lisa huffed still under the covers. "Taking it easy would be sleeping in until maybe 10 and then have lunch at the airport lounge." 

The korean girl lifted the covers off of Lisa's face and her cat eyes pierced through the thai girl. "Classic Manoban!" she chuckled lightly. Lisa turned to face her once again.

"How are you feeling? You look a lot better than yesterday" she stated the obvious.

"I'm a lot better physically i guess... but I still feel kinda embarrassed about having to leave the stage like that... and about... consuming your night... like this..." Jennie's voice grew quieter towards the end and she had to look away from Lisa.

The Thai had watched Jennie's face closely, trying to analyze every single emotion she saw. "Jen, it's ok, really! I'm just glad you're better." she tried to console the older girl. 

Jennie bravely met Lisa's dark eyes again. "No, Lisa... I know you also need your sleep and you don't need me keeping you up at 4 in the morning, I shouldn't have asked you to stay... I'm not gonna do it again, I promise!" Lisa thought she saw sadness in her eyes for a second, before it was gone and she only saw determination on Jennie's face. This was the last promise that she wanted Jennie to make. She wanted to protest but she was rudely interrupted by obnoxious knocking on the door.

A little beat was knocked on the hotel room door and they heard a loud voice from outside almost singing. "Ready or nooooot, we're coming iiiiihiiiiin!" That was Jisoo. 

Followed by Rosé laughing. "But you actually have to come open the door... cause we can't do that from the outside...^^" 

Lisa and Jennie's eyes met, one amused, the other annoyed. "Don't let them in..." Lisa told Jennie half earnest, half jokingly. She actually really wanted Jennie not to let them in because she felt like they had interrupted something important. But she couldn't possibly tell her to keep those two loud people out for real... They were their members. They deserved to check up on Jennie as well. 

Jennie just shook her head at Lisa amused and lightly hit her with her own pillow "Grumpy cat!" she called Lisa before she made her way to the door to let in the other half of Blackpink.


"Unnnniiiiieeee, how are you? Are you better?" Rosé was instantly all over Jennie and hugged her. Jisoo came in behind the Chipmunk smiling at Jennie. "'Sup, Jendeukie, you ok?"

"I'm a lot better, thank you" Jennie answered them both, hugging Rosé back.  

Jisoo went straight to the bed and playfully jumped on Lisa. "WAKE UP SUNSHINE, WE'RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA TODAY!" the Unnie of the group shouted. She had tried to imitate Rosé's aussie accent. "Get off!" Lisa wanted to sound mad but she couldn't hold in the smile that came across her face when Jisoo was trying to be a crackhead with her. 

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