Never have I ever

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The next morning, Lisa woke up to a text from Jisoo. 

Chuuu: Yo Limario, r u & the mandu good again?

Lisa looked over to her sleeping girlfriend and smiled. They were more than good. They couldn't be happier after last night. Their late night activities replayed in Lisa's mind and made her face flush in heat all over again. She had touched Jennie intimately for the first time yesterday. It had felt so good. Being able to make Jennie loose herself was so exhilarating. 

Just thinking about it, made Lisa want to have another go at it. 


She tried to shake the dirty thoughts off, turning herself around to lie on her stomach and text Jisoo back. 

Limario: Yeah, everything good!

She didn't elaborate, she didn't know what the heck she was supposed to tell the others about why Jennie got so upset last night. She just hoped they wouldn't ask. Jisoo texted back instantly.

Chuuu: Good! We're going sightseeing aka shopping today, be ready by 10am!

Lisa looked at the time on her phone. 8:30 am. Nice. They still had enough time to spend cuddling in bed. 

She texted her Unnie back.

Limario: Yes Sir! *saluting emoji*

She put her phone down on the bedside table and rolled herself over to the wonderful girl in her bed. Jennie lay on her side, softly breathing. Lisa snuggled closer throwing a leg over her hips and gently caressing Jennie's fluffy cheek with her long fingers. 

Jennie's eyes fluttered a little. "Lili..." she sighed contently. Her hands came out reaching for Lisa's face and pulling her in. Her lips landed on Jennie's in a soft good morning kiss. One kiss turned into more kisses until Jennie's fingers were entangled in Lisa's hair and Lisa's hands were creeping down Jennie's flat stomach under her tshirt. 

They were inching closer together and Jennie pushed her leg in between Lisa's. The Thai responded by slipping her tongue into Jennie's sweet mouth. The fire between them instantly ignited and Lisa was ready for more, when... Jennie's phone rang. 

Both of them froze for a second, startled by the sudden noise. Jennie untangled herself from Lisa and reached for the electronic culprit. 

Lisa blew her bangs out of her eyes in a frustrated little huff "Your phone is on mute when I don't know where you are, but you keep it on volume when we're about to..."

"Shhh! It's Jisoo." Jennie shushed her. Lisa closed her mouth instantly.

The brunette answered the call and Lisa could hear Jisoo's loud voice coming through.

"Good morning Jendeuk, how are you feeling today?" she sounded quite cheery. Lisa could tell, even from a distance.

"I'm good Unnie!" Jennie answered a little unsure, shooting a quick look at Lisa. 

"So, no more bitchy mandu today? Did Lisa find you last night?"

Lisa snorted out a quiet laugh at Jisoo's term of endearment and instantly covered her mouth with a hand to muffle the sound. Jennie shot her a stern look.

"Yeah... uhm... sorry about how I acted last night. Won't happen again! Is Rosie alright? I'm gonna apologize to her as well!"

Lisa found herself feeling kind of silly today. While listening to Jennie's phone call with Jisoo, she laid down, head in Jennie's lap, right on her crossed legs and lifted up her shirt. The older girl wasn't wearing a bra underneath and Lisa had the most wonderful view of her full breasts from below. 

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