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After a too short night full of tossing and turning, Rosé woke Lisa up with a phone call. Lisa didn't even have her phone on volume but the loud vibrations coming from the nightstand next to her head, made her let out an annoyed groan. 

"What?" she grumpily huffed into the phone taking Rosé's call but still not moving her head off her pillow. 

"Well good morning to you too, mate!" Park Chaeyoung's happy voice came back out the phone in a heavy australian accent. Much heavier than she would usually speak when she spoke english. Right... Lisa remembered, they were in Australia, in the land down under, but most important of all, they were in her best friend's hometown. 

"Morning Chae... sorry I'm still kinda tired..." Lisa told her friend. "So, what do you have planned for today?"

"For starters, we're gonna meet my family for brunch at this really cool place downtown. We have a table in a private area. Then I can show you around town a little bit and I thought we'd visit the Aquarium later today... what do you think?" Rosé rambled without taking a breath. 

She was so excited, Lisa could hear it in her voice. She knew her friend had the brightest smile on her face right now. It instantly made her happy and giddy as well. Time to forget the short night and the thoughts and realizations that were too hard to deal with right now! Let's go explore Melbourne!

The four of them had agreed to meet in front of the hotel where there would already be a driver provided for them to take them wherever they wanted to go. It was their day off. Their managers had insisted on them taking two bodyguards with them in a separate car, who would be following. 

The thoughts Lisa had tried to push away, came flooding back to her as soon as they were sitting in the car on their way to the brunch place. Jennie was sitting in the seat next to her. Suddenly the korean girl reached over, grabbing Lisa's right hand and began playing with her fingers. At least that's what it felt like. Lisa snapped her head to the side a little too intensely at the touch and saw Jennie admiring her nails one by one. She had them painted in a dark shimmering black with silver accents and white pearls and sparkling rhinestones glued on top. Every nail looked different and Jennie took her sweet time to look at all of them, slightly carressing Lisa's fingers in the process. Even demanding Lisa's other hand when she was done with the first one. 

Lisa thanked all the deities that her hands weren't sweaty. Her heart was sweating like crazy though from all the unintended excercise it was getting so early in the day. 

"Pretty..." Jennie whispered, almost as if she was talking to herself.

"Pretty Lalisa..." she added and lifted her beautiful brown eyes to meet Lisa's dark ones who had been staring at her the whole freaking time. Jennie was smiling at her genuinely.

"Thanks Unnie" the thai croaked out, her throat feeling way too dry. 

"You want some water Manofoot?" Jisoo asked with a hint of mischief in her voice from the backrow of the car. 

Damn... Lisa thought and pulled her hand out of Jennie's grip a little bit too fast. They had probably witnessed the whole awkward interaction. She'd been openly staring at Jennie. Lisa couldn't help but feel embarrassed and weird about it. She felt so exposed all of a sudden. She didn't feel like answering Jisoo, but Chaeyoung kind of did it for her. 

"We're almost there guys, and they have the best freshly pressed orange juice, I swear to god you're gonna miss it when we're back in Korea." the australian chipmunk started bouncing up and down on her seat excitedly. 

Once they were inside the restaurant and had happily greeted Rosé's family, Lisa chose the seat next to her best friend instead of the one next to Jennie. She felt like she needed a bit of distance in order to get herself in check and not embarrass herself again. 

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