Bedroom Stories

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Lisa didn't really know what to do next. She was waiting for Jennie to get out of the bathroom and sincerely hoping for the brunette to feel better. She sat down on the side of the big hotel room bed. She had already changed into the oversized Metallica tshirt Jennie had stolen from her. The Thai girl had been wondering where this particular piece of clothing had vanished to. She had had her suspicions though as to who had taken it. Jennie frequently wore Lisas casual clothes. She especially liked her oversized sweaters or hoodies. She looked like a cuddly little baby in them and all Lisa wanted to do was smush Jennies face in her hands whenever she saw her wearing one of them. 

Grabbing her phone as a distraction, Lisa realized she had a new text message from Jisoo.

Chichuuu: How's the Mandu doing?

Lisa texted back.

Limario: She's hanging in there... :(

Chichuuu: That bad still? :(

Limario: kinda...

Chichuuu: u wanna come back & watch Tangled with me and the Chipmunk? U know... let the mandu rest...?

Limario: Nope. Staying with her 2night

Chichuuu: Lisayah, she needs rest! She doesn't need u on top of her

Lisa stared at Jisoo's last text, face growing slightly hotter and she didn't know why. Everybody knew that Lisa was a touchy person by nature. She did things like throw herself on her members sometimes. They would always scold her playfully and try to get her off of them. Except for Jennie... she never tried to escape. She would sigh and roll her eyes at Lisa with fake annoyance, but she never once tried to get away.

Lisa texted back.

Limario: very funny

After that, Jisoo took a lot longer to answer. But when she did, she sent a single pink heart emoji, nothing else.

The bathroom door opened and Jennie came back out. Lisa's watchful eyes immediately snapped up to meet Jennie's. The colours in her face had come back slightly, she looked a little more alive than before. Jennie's lips pulled up into a weak little smile at the sight of Lisa in "their" Metallica Shirt but she didn't say anything. Instead her hands started to play with the hair that was neatly put into a single long braid and she adressed Lisa.

"I didn't even realize you doing this..." and she held the braid up between two fingers, wiggling it slightly and smiled warmly at Lisa, who put her phone upside down on the nightstand and smiled back sheepishly. 

"Well, you were kinda busy... Do you like it?" she asked a bit cheekily. 

"I do actually... I'm gonna keep it for the night." Jennie winked and went to her suitcase to fish out fresh clothes to sleep in. She threw a look back to Lisa who still had her long tracksuit pants on. 

"Aren't you going to be too warm in that?"

Lisa looked down at her grey comfy pants and shrugged. "Uhh, I was going to take them off for bed." When she realized what she said, the Thai's cheeks turned slightly pink and she completely missed Jennies equally blushing cheeks as the latter quickly fled into the bathroom again to change. 

Lisa shook her head at herself. Why the hell was she embarrased about sleeping in tshirt and underwear? Jennie had seen her in her underwear before and vice versa. They had been living together in a constricted dormroom for 5 years when they were trainees. Of course they had changed in front of each other. But those times, Jisoo and Rosé had always been around as well. And right now.... it just felt so.... intimate, when it was just her and Jennie... alone together... in a hotel room.

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