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It was two days before they were finally going to Hawaii.

Lisa and Jennie had the rare opportunity to have the Blackpink dorm all to themselves for the afternoon. Jisoo had a scheduled photoshooting for Dior and Rosé went to accompany her and they were planning on getting food together afterwards. There was a brand new Ramyeon restaurant just around the corner from the YG building that they wanted to try.

The couple had spent the first two hours of their alone time in Lisa's bed, taking advantage of the fact that they could be as loud as they wanted to be. Jennie had been particularly vocal today, even scaring the dogs a little.

"Sorry Lili... I just... really needed this..." Jennie mumbled into Lisa's neck a bit embarrassed.

Lisa only laughed softly.

"Kitten, don't ever be sorry for showing me how much you enjoy sleeping with me! You know I love it."

Lisa's words only made Jennie blush more.

"What do you want to do now?" Lisa asked when Jennie kept hiding her face deep in Lisa's neck.

"There's still some Kimchi fried rice left over in the fridge... and we could watch a movie?" the brunette answered and placed a kiss on Lisa's jaw.

"Sounds perfect."

They got dressed in comfy clothes and headed for the living room. Jennie got down on the sofa, turning on the TV and starting Netflix while Lisa went to heat up their food in the microwave.

"What do you want to watch my Love?" Jennie asked loudly so Lisa could hear her in the kitchen. "Should we rewatch something we already know or something new?"

"Uhm... how about something new?" Lisa replied to her girlfriend.

When Lisa came back to the living room with two bowls of freshly heated kimchi fried rice, Jennie had already picked something to watch for them and pressed play.

"What's this?" Lisa asked placing the bowls in front of them on the table.

"American Horror Stories. It's a series. It's supposed to be really good." Jennie answered digging into her food.

"Baby, we don't like horror... do we?" Lisa scrunched her eyebrows together at the already creepy intro.

"I don't know, I thought we should give it a try. If we hate it, we can watch something else." the korean girl shrugged.

"Ok, let's give it a try then."

They finished their food within the first ten minutes of the episode. Jennie had been eating faster than usual because it was distracting her from being scared of what was going on on the TV. The episode wasn't so much scary as it was bloody. Actually it was not something you should watch while eating.

It turned creepy soon though and Jennie was flinching and hiding herself behind her hands next to Lisa. The Thai was kind of amused by her girlfriend. Why did the biggest scaredy cat of Blackpink want to watch a horror series anyway?

There was a jumpscare. The type that Jennie hated. The brunette squealed loudly, climbing into Lisa's lap in one swift movement and hid her face in the crook of the younger girl's neck. Lisa laughed out loud.

"Kitten, we can watch something else if you're too scared..." she wrapped her arms protectively around Jennie and held her tight.

"No...! I'm kinda invested in the story now. Maybe it gets less scary later on...." Jennie murmured and Lisa felt Jennie's lips on her neck. It was distracting.

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