Friendship stories

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It's the first night that Lisa doesn't have to sneak into Jennie's bedroom. The secret is out. They said their goodnights to Jisoo and Jennie pulled the door closed behind them. It wasn't really late yet but considering what just happened with Rosé, neither of them felt like socializing. 

Lisa sat down on Jennie's bed. She let the events of tonight replay in her head, which wasn't a good idea. The Thai felt the tears behind her eyes sting like poison. She tried to hold them in but her heart was aching too much at the thought of Rosé's hurt expression. Why had she thought that her best friend would take their news easily? She had kept secrets from her. Huge freaking, life changing secrets. And she had lied to her face. Lisa couldn't hold the tears in any longer. A sob escaped her lips involuntarily and she covered her face with her hands. 

Jennie had been changing into her sleep clothes. She instantly turned around towards her girlfriend at the sound of Lisa's quiet sobs. 

"Lili...." she whispered softly, climbing into Lisa's lap and wrapping her arms around the Thai girl. Lisa leaned forward into Jennie and pressed her face into her girlfriend's chest. Jennie pulled her tighter into her body. The feeling of Jennie's soft breasts on her cheeks was somehow comforting but it didn't ease the ache in her heart. If anything, it became worse. Lisa felt herself be drowned in sadness and she began sobbing harder, her shoulders shaking. 

"Oh, Lili... I know... this was not how it was supposed to go..." Jennie consoled Lisa. She gently patted Lisa's hair, sifting her fingers through her soft locks ever so often and placing soft kisses on her head. 

Jennie let Lisa cry. She held her and whispered into her ear until the sobs grew more infrequent. 

"Come on my Love, let's lie down, ok?" Jennie coaxed after a while, gently pushing Lisa on her back and settling in next to her, throwing the blanket on top of them. Lisa's arms found Jennie again and pulled her in. Jennie hugged her again, bodies pressed together tightly, legs intertwined. 

There were still stray tears running down Lisa's beautiful face. "She must hate me so much... I betrayed her." she mumbled into Jennie's neck. 

"Baby, she doesn't hate you. She is upset, yes, but... she'll come around. She's our friend!" Jennie tried to soothe Lisa. 

Lisa just sniffed.

"And when she's ready, you can tell her everything. We do owe her that..." Jennie added.

"Everything?" Lisa asked still sniffing but Jennie didn't miss the slight humour in her voice.

"Maybe not everything..." Jennie suggestively raked her nails across Lisa's back. "but... you know... the PG-13 version."

Lisa snorted at that. 

"I bet Jisoo wasn't exactly done with me either... I saw it in her eyes." Jennie laughed softly. Lisa felt the vibrations against her cheeks.

"What do you mean?" she asked, blinking hard so the last tear dropped and her vision was no longer blurry. 

"I mean, we're definitely going to have a one-on-one friend talk real soon. I owe her that too." the brunette explained sighing. "But, it's going to be ok! We're going to be fine Lisayah."

"I love you Jennie!" Lisa murmered into her girlfriend's skin and pressed a kiss on her pulse point. Jennie's words and her gentle touches made Lisa feel so safe. For tonight, here in Jennie's bed, they were in their little bubble again where nothing and nobody could cause them any harm. 


The next morning, Lisa stood in front of Rosé's door, heart beating in her throat and hands trembling as she was about to knock. The door opened abruptly, scaring Lisa as she froze with her hand still raised in the air. Rosé was just as surprised to find the Thai girl in front of her suddenly and jumped back a little. Her eyes went from wide to sad and hurt in a second though. 

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