Nervous in California

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Los Angeles was great. It was warm and sunny and had a very chill vibe. Of course they were busy with various appearances on US Entertainment shows but they still had time to explore the city of Angels a little bit. 

Lisa spent a very fun afternoon with Jisoo at the famous Venice Beach. They enjoyed the small shops along the shore line and the food stalls and most importantly the sand and the sun embracing them.  They filmed a little bit for their Tour Diaries but after that, they just sat in the sand, iced coffees in hand, talking to each other.

"So... Jennie told me what happened the other night in Melbourne." Jisoo began, looking at Lisa form the side.

"What...? What are you talking about?" Lisa almost choked on her Starbucks with wide eyes. 

She somehow felt busted, but she didn't know for what exactly. Jennie and her haven't done anything... Not that she would think about stuff like that... But she did have to admit, at least to herself, that ever since Jennie kissed her cheek in the car, she had been sneaking more and more glances at Jennie's lips. Fantasising how they would feel against her own. How they would taste... 

Pull yourself together Lisa! she inwardly groaned at herself.

Jisoo laughed a little at the obviously shook Maknae.

"I'm talking about the panic attack? And how you came to her rescue...?" Jisoo told Lisa while smirking. "Or is there anything else I need to know, that Jennie conveniently left out of her story...?" and she cocked an eyebrow at Lisa teasingly.

Lisa coughed a little awkward. "Uhm, no! I'm just surprised Jennie told you... because... she told me not to tell anyone... she didn't want you guys to worry!" she explained to her Unnie still a little red in the face.

"I know..." Jisoo told her. "But I'm not anyone... she's my best friend and we don't hide much from each other..." 

Lisa visibly gulped at that bit of information. 

"So, she just told you?" Lisa asked a bit confused.

"God, no! I had to pry it out of her! She is a stubborn little thing, but that doesn't stop me!" Jisoo laughed with mischief in her eyes.

"But from what she told me, you did a very good job." the Unnie of the group admitted to Lisa, nodding at her with a proud look.

Lisa blushed at that. "I don't know... I was kinda in shock myself...!"

Her eyes drifted off to the shoreline where the waves of the pacific ocean were softly crashing into the sand.

"I have to admit, I was a tiny bit mad at her for not calling me that night!" Jisoo said matter of factly. Lisa instantly snapped her head back to her Unnie.

"Mad?" she asked, finding Jisoo's dark eyes. The latter smiled however.

"Well not really mad... more like guilty... "


"Because I'm the Unnie here! I'm supposed to take care of you youngsters... " she nudged Lisa's shoulder softly. "Plus, she's my best friend and I didn't even know she was having a hard time that night."

Lisa looked at her with soft eyes, not really knowing what to say.

"But it's alright! Don't worry, I didn't give her crap about it or anything!" the older one assured Lisa. "And I get why she called you and not me." she added and winked slightly. 

"Well... I told her I want to be there for her when she's not ok..." Lisa answered in a very small voice, blushing and looking away from Jisoo. "You know, like she was there for me during our trainee days..."

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