Frustration (hinted M)

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Their long-haul flight from the US to Great Britain had not been great. The secret lovers did not get to sit together on the plane this time and it made Jennie grumpy and Lisa restless. Neither of them caught any sleep and they were jetlagged big time once they arrived in Europe. 

Their first stop was Manchester where they spent three days. During their first night, Lisa had not managed to sneak into Jennie's room successfully. This time, the YG staff were staying on the same hotel floor as the Pinks and it was impossible to get around places unseen. After texting Jennie about their problem, they decided that Lisa should sneak out in the middle of the night when everybody slept.

However, luck was not on their side that night. When Lisa was in front of Jennie's door at 1 A.M. in the freaking morning, the key card didn't work. It kept flashing an evil red light into her face as if to mock her.

"Open up, you stupid motherfucker!" Lisa cursed under her breath. Usually cursing out loud was not something she did but she was so incredibly frustrated at that moment. She was only a few heartbeats away from being close to her girl again after what felt like an eternity to her and the stupid fucking door was blocking her.

Jennie, who had been waiting for Lisa, heard that something was wrong with the door. She got up and went over to open it when she heard a man's voice outside. She froze with her hand on the doorknob.

"Hey Lisa, everything alright there?" 

Lisa gasped and jumped a little at the intrusion. She hadn't heard him coming. It was Mino, one of their younger managers.

"Jeez, you scared me!" she huffed out. "Yeah, I'm fine... goodnight Oppa!" she added in hopes of getting rid of him. He wouldn't budge though.

"Is your key card not working? Let me try!" and he held out his hand for Lisa to give him the card. Only, Lisa couldn't do that. He would see the room number on it and in case the door would really open this time, he would see Jennie in the bed and Lisa had no idea what he would do if he put two and two together. She was screwed!

That moment, the door opened without either Lisa or Mino trying again. Jennie's sleepy face came into view.

"What's with the comotion, I'm trying to sleep!" The korean girl narrowed her eyes at them both and huffed. Lisa all but held her breath. What was happening? Were they busted?

Before Mino could say anything, Jennie glared at Lisa in fake annoyance. 

"Lisayah, how can you never remember your own room number?" 

Then she looked at Mino, rolling her eyes hard and lying straight to his face. 

"This is not the first time! Last time she tried to get into Jisoo's room thinking it was her own! Don't be surprised if you find her in front of your door tomorrow Oppa." Jennie laughed a little. 

In the meantime, Lisa had discreetly put Jennie's key card into her sweatpants pocket and had taken her own room key out, looking at it distinctly now. 

"Ooohhh shit... 355 not 359... sorry Unnie!!!" she face palmed herself, she didn't even have to fake embarrassment because her face was already a charming tomato red. Mino just laughed now.

"It's ok!" the brunette told Lisa. "Goodnight guys!" she flashed the manager a small smile and shot Lisa a brief look before closing the door on them. 

"Come Lisa, I have to make sure, you get into the right room safely!" He teased her a little while patting her shoulder a couple times, leading them back towards Lisa's room. 

They didn't try to make a second attempt that night. It was way too risky.


Their bad luck seemed to continue. 

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