Panic Attack

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The next two days were all work, no play. They had rehearsed and gotten familiar with the local concert hall and everything went just fine. Rosé spent all of her evenings with her family while the other three entertained themselves with mostly room service food and Netflix. 

It was the night before the concert and Lisa was lazying around in the huge hotel room bed. She had chocolate and potatoe chips and she didn't feel bad for even a second for eating junk food before a concert day. She didn't care. All the singing and dancing always gets rid of any excess calories anyway. It was quite late already. Lisa's body was tired from rehearsals but her mind wasn't. This has been going on ever since they arrived in Australia. 

The last night that Lisa had slept deep and soundly, had been the night in Macao that she spent next to Jennie. The good thing was that they didn't have an early morning call tomorrow. On concert days they were allowed to take it easy. Sleep longer, eat well, maybe use the hotel spa and then show up at the venue for the final rehearsal some time in the late afternoon. 

Lisa browsed through Netflix but there really was absolutely nothing she wanted to watch. She thought about texting Chaeyoung but then she remembered that her best friend was staying at her sister's place tonight. Damn. She didn't want to disturb their sibling quality time. Instead she texted Jisoo. 

Limario: Chuuu... what are u doin?

She got an instant reply. Classic Jisoo, playing with her phone all night long. 

Chichuuu: Playing games...duh...

Limario: Can I come over?

Chichuuu: Nope! U should sleep 

Limario: Ur not sleeping either...

Chichuuu: I'm older, I can do whateva I want ;)

Limario: What r u playing?

Chichuuu: The sims

Limario: U R BORING!

Chichuuu: :D :D :D Whateva Dude! Sleep u child! ;)

Lisa was about to put the phone away and actually try to sleep, when it started vibrating in her hand like crazy.

Incoming Call: Nini 

Lisa stared at her phone for a couple seconds. It was really really late. Why the hell wasn't Jennie sleeping!? With a press of her finger she answered.

"Nini, what's up?"

From the other end of the line Lisa heard uncontrolled sobbing and choking sounds. Her whole body tensed, it felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice over her head and she was up and off the bed in an instant. 

"Nini?" she pressed the phone harder to her ear, trying to hear anything while putting on her indoor slippers. 

"Lili.... please.... come..." Jennie choked out, Lisa could hardly understand her. She grabbed her key card off the desk and rushed to the door. The sounds coming from the phone pierced right through Lisa's heart painfully.

"Nini, hang on, I'll be with you in two seconds! You hear me?" she killed the lights in the room and closed the door behind her. 

There were only choked up sobs on the other end of the line. It was bad.

Thank god, their rooms were all very close to each other. Lisa was in front of Jennie's door in no time. "Nini, you have to open the door for me! Can you do that?" She spoke very soothing, still pressing the phone to her ear, trying hard not to freak out. 

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