6 month Anniversary

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Three weeks later.

Lisa woke up to Jennie's shining eyes.

"Happy six-month-anniversary my Love!"

"What? Is it really?" Lisa blinked a couple of times sleepily and obviously surprised.

"Yes it is!" Jennie smiled and kissed Lisa briefly.

Lisa counted back the months and the weeks in her head until her eyes went wide. "Oh my god, I didn't even realize..." she trailed off, feeling ashamed that she hadn't even thought about stuff like anniversaries. 

"I'm so sorry Baby, I should have known." she told Jennie with honest eyes but Jennie just swatted her hand in the air in front of Lisa. 

"It's fine Lili, I wouldn't have realized either if Rosie hadn't brought it up a couple of weeks ago." the brunette admitted. 

"Rosie told you?" Lisa laughed a little at the thought that their friend had to tell them that they'd been together for six months already without either of them realizing themselves. Jennie shrugged. "She's a romantic."

"But, I'm the romantic in this relationship!" Lisa whined a little and pulled Jennie down to her, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl. 

"Baby, really, it's ok. We had so many things to deal with, we literally had no time to breath. Much less so to be romantic." Jennie tapped Lisa's nose with her finger. Lisa hummed at that. 

Her mind was running a hundred miles per minute. Six months. Six months with Jennie. These past months had been the best time of Lisa's life. She had everything she was ever bold enough to dream of. Her dream career as a K-Pop idol, friends that would last a lifetime and a girlfriend she was so in love with, it was insane.

"Six months huh... how did time go by so fast?" Lisa mused, her lips almost touching Jennie's when she spoke.

"I know right?" Jennie answered softly. 

"So... are you happy?" Lisa asked and the first answer she got was a kiss to her lips. 

"With you, you mean?" the brunette replied and there was a nasty smirk forming on her lips. "You're alright I guess..." she teased Lisa.

"I'm alright huh?" Lisa decided to play along with this game. "So you wouldn't mind doing another six months with me?"

"Nah, I guess I wouldn't mind..." Jennie shrugged in playful indifference. "You're good in bed and stuff, so I-" the brunette couldn't finish her sentence because Lisa had flipped them around and Jennie shrieked in surprise. Lisa settled down on top of the korean girl, silencing her with a deep kiss.

Their morning kisses soon turned into a spontaneous round of steamy morning-anniversary-sex.

When they went downstairs later to have breakfast with their other two members, they found the living room empty. However they didn't have to search long as they found Jisoo and Rosé eating outside on the terrace. 

"Happy anniversary lovebirds!" Rosé beamed at them. 

Rosé had really done a 180°-turn since she overcame her initial shock over Jennie and Lisa's secret relationship. The Australian girl was a hopeless romantic at heart and seeing her best friend so in love and happy, made her happy too. In return, Lisa tried her best not to neglect her friendship with Rosé again and was slowly getting used to talking about her relationship and being more open with her best friend. 

"Thanks Rosie posie" Jennie smiled her famous gummy smile. They joined their members at the table. There were already plates set up for them. 

"Yeah and thanks for reminding us!" Lisa snickered at her.

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