Flirting Game

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Spending the night in the same bed, no matter if it was Lisa's or Jennie's, became a regular thing during their US Tour. They both slept infinitely better when they were together than when they were alone. But admitting that out loud wasn't an option for either of them. Cuddling and hand holding increased even more. But they never talked about what they were doing. Especially not about the spending-the-night-thing. It was like a silent agreement. 

They have always been close and now it just seemed amplified. Lisa was well aware of the reason why she was touching Jennie more, but she still wasn't sure what Jennie felt. Nevertheless, the korean girl had started to seek out Lisa's touches actively. Sometimes even demanding them. Never with words though. And when Lisa didn't get the hint, Jennie would just come over and take what she wanted.

Jisoo watched them like a hawk. Sometimes she would throw them a teasing comment but Jennie was good at shrugging them off. Same with the nicknames that slipped through Lisa's lips once in a while. Jennie never really acknowledged them when it happened. 

However two days ago Jennie did something, that sent Lisa spiralling. Rehearsals for their next concert were ongoing and they just took a small lunch break. Jisoo and Chaeng were off getting some food with the managers while Lisa and Jennie stayed behind. Jennie wanted Lisa to go over a few dance moves with her, to correct some details. They were pretty much alone on the huge stage. Maybe a few sound technicians were running around somewhere, but they weren't really paying any attention to them. 

"Uuuuffff.... I'm so dead!" Jennie sat her butt down on stage, out of breath from all the dancing they had done. Lisa just laughed at her gingerly.

"Do you think I got that last move down yet?" the korean girl asked while huffing her hair out of her face.

"Yeah, you do! You did good Nini" Lisa praised, sitting down right next to her, shoulders bumping lightly. 

"Are you happy with me teacher?" Jennie faced her and did a slightly whiney baby voice, making her eyes as big and round as possible.

"Cuuuuteeee!" Lisa couldn't help but giggle and coo at the older one. She absolutely loved how Jennie could be such a sexy goddess on stage and then, with the snap of a finger, become an adorable little mandu kitten.

"And yes, I'm very happy with your progress." she added and leaned in to place a kiss on the brunette's fluffy cheek. But when she was close enough, Jennie slightly turned her head and Lisa's kiss landed very close to the corner of Jennie's mouth. The Thai's eyes widened and she pulled back faster than she intended. Her eyes found Jennie's. The older girl was smiling softly at her, her cat eyes warming up Lisa's insides. She felt herself blushing and she hated it, because Jennie must be able to see it. 

Jennie then casually laid her head on Lisa's shoulder and sighed. "Where the hell are those two with our food?!  I'm starving!" 


They all slayed at the game of fanservice when they were on stage, but Jennie and Lisa ruled it! The reason was simple. It was the only time, Lisa was able to shamelessly flirt with Jennie and nobody would think about it twice. And Jennie? She flirted back. Touching, hugging, dancing with and for each other and the occasional cheek kisses. 

The only challenge Lisa faced, was not to forget that she had two other members she had to include in the fanservice and not focus solely on Jennie. Which was hard. The moment they started flirting on stage, they were in their little bubble, not noticing what was going on in the outside world. At least, that's what it felt like for Lisa. 

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