Airport incident

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The Melbourne concert had been a huge success, as had the one in Sidney. Jennie's worries had been completely unnecessary after all. She was happy and healthy and strong, which also gave her back her confidence. 

Someone else had a little breakdown though. And that was Chaeyoung. She was overcome by sadness at the thought of leaving Australia again and she had cried on stage. She was still sad after the concert, so all of her members stayed for movie night at her room. But only Lisa stayed the night with her. Best friend duties!

When Jennie and Jisoo said their goodnights and left, Lisa's eyes found Jennie's. For a split second she could see insecurity and a little bit of hurt in the older one's pretty orbs. But maybe she was imagining stuff. She had to think back to the intense moment they had had after Jennie's panic attack. She had never experienced anything like that before. There had been something unspoken in the room. But she had fled. And they haven't had a moment alone together since. 


LAX Airport (Los Angeles)

They had just arrived in the States for their US Tour and of course the Coachella concert, they had been so excited for for months! They were happy and carefree when they got off the plane, but as soon as they left Arrivals area, cameras and paparazzi literally swarmed them. 

"Oh my..." Jisoo gasped, taken aback by the sudden noise. People yelling at them to look into their cameras. Flashes going off in their faces. It was all a bit much right after the serenity of a long haul flight where nobody had been bothering them. 

Their managers and bodyguards instantly surrounded the four of them. 

"Was this planned?" Rosé asked her manager Unnie slightly afraid, still trying to smile lightly to the cameras.

"No, it was not. No idea how they found out what plane we were taking!"

Lisa just kept on walking next to her manager, not showing any emotion to the cameras, except for short little smiles here and there but they weren't genuine. This was a part of the media she really didn't appreciate.

The excited paparazzi crowd attracted more and more people around them. They were pushing and shoving to see who it was that got so much media attention. Resulting in the four of them being pushed together more in a tight circle surrounded by managers who tried to hold the cameras at bay. It was a mess. 

Their first impression of the US wasn't great.

They kept on walking but they had to slow down their pace because people were blocking the way. Suddenly, Lisa felt someone pressing into her side, grasping for her hand. She looked sideways, surprised, and saw Jennie with her head hanging low, her hair hiding her face. She pushed her face into Lisa's shoulder and Lisa could hear her heavy breathing. The Korean's anxiety must have been triggered. 

This made Lisa even more mad. Her protective instincts kicked in instantly. Her hand responded to Jennie's touch and she tightened her hold. 

"It's ok Nini, we're gonna be out of here in no time!"

Jennie nodded against her, fanning her fingers through her hair, head still hanging very low.

"Focus on your breathing." Lisa told her quietly. 

A guy from the crowd was shoved into their little circle, bumping into Lisa's manager who bumped slightly against Jennie. 

"I'm so sorry Jen." he told her before he tried to shove the crowd back again. 

Lisa's arms instinctively guided Jennie behind her, so this wouldn't happen again. The brunette sank her forehead heavy against Lisa's back. Lisa could feel her breathing there. She kept her hands on Jennie's arms rubbing them up and down soothingly. 

She had gotten her through worse... she would get her through this airport!

Chaeng appeared on Lisa's side, hiding Jennie from the cameras in the process. She started to sing Baby Shark to the older girl in a low but happy voice. It made Lisa laugh a little. Rosie posie just knew how to make people feel better. Jisoo was walking behind Jennie, laying a light hand on her shoulder.

They were all protecting Jennie, but the latter kept on clinging exclusively to Lisa. It made Lisa's heart beat faster and her back was tingling were Jennie's head lay. 

With the way people were ambushing them right now and how it made Jennie feel, Lisa could no longer smile for their cameras. She threw a couple of passive aggressive glances their way. They should at least know, that what they were doing wasn't cool. 

Finally they got help from the airport's security staff. Slowly but surely they made their way to the car park where their drivers were waiting for them. 

 All Blackpink members and staff made sure Jennie was the first to enter the car. Lisa's hand held her steady while she climbed up into the black SUV. When she wanted to let go to let Rosé in after Jennie, Jennie tightened her grip on Lisa's hand and pulled her into the car behind her. The latter let herself be pulled to the backseat of the car, where they sat down together.

Jennie was not letting go of Lisa's hand for the entire ride to the hotel. 

"That didn't feel good!" Jennie sighed.

"I hate being ambushed like that! How did they know we'd be there?!" Lisa responded with anger in her voice and caressed Jennie's knuckles with her long fingers.

"I guess it just takes one flight attendant or airline employee to be susceptible to bribes and voila!" Jisoo clapped her hands for emphasis.

"Well, we got away and thank god, the airport police is preventing them from following us to the hotel." Rosé concluded. 

"Who's hungry?" she added. 



"Me too."

Jisoo and Rosé started discussing animatedly what they wanted to have for dinner tonight.

Jennie slightly leaned into Lisa and whispered so the others couldn't hear it. 

"Thank you for making me feel safe Lili!"

And then she did something that Jennie very rarely did to any of her members. She kissed Lisa's cheek! And she lingered. 

The Thai's heart exploded.

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